Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe is one of the very few public officials who have seen the death photos of Osama bin Laden. What do the pictures taken just after the kill shots look like? What can be seen in the photos taken aboard the USS Vinson? What is Inhofe’s position on the debate over releasing the photos? Does he think the president will ever change his mind? We discuss it all with Sen. Inhofe.
Archives for May 2011
The Fight for Guantanamo
Recent policy decisions on military tribunals means the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay will stay open for awhile. But Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe is advancing legislation that would block the president from ever closing the facility. Why does Inhofe believe this bill is necessary? Why does he want more inmates at Gitmo? And what does he make of the International Red Cross push to allow family members to visit Guantanamo detainees? We discuss these and other questions with Sen. Inhofe.
2012 Race Heats Up
Newt Gingrich is officially in the 2012 Presidential race. Does he have a chance? Will the GOP embrace a candidate like him who has been around for more than 30 years? What about Mitt Romney? Can he survive while defending his mandate-ruch health plan in Massachusetts while condemning the one Washington passed last year? How committed are Republicans to blocking a hike in the debt ceiling without some major Democratic concessions of spending? And how long will Obama ride the bin Laden bounce? We discuss it all with John Gizzi of Human Events.
A Very Different FBI
It’s been nearly 10 years since 9/11 and the man who led the FBI on that fateful day is still on the job. In fact, President Obama wants FBI Director Robert Mueller to stay on an additional two years. But just how different is the FBI than it was a decade ago? How well does it communicate with the CIA and other intelligence bureaus since the reforms post-9/11? How well is the bureau poised to respond to any emergency in the world these days? And what has Mueller’s role been in all of this? We discuss these and other questions with Garrett Graff, editor of Washingtonian magazine and author of “The Threat Matrix: The FBI at War in the Age of Global Terror”.
Under the Sea
Nearly two weeks after the U.S. military took out Osama bin Laden, the Capitol Steps are here to provide President Obama’s real reaction to this major achievement. Our guest is Steps star and co-founder Elaina Newport.
Three Martini Lunch 5/13/11
Greg Corombos of Radio America and Jim Geraghty of National Review are happy to hear Wisconsin Sen. Herb Kohl is retiring. We also wince as Mitt Romney tries to defend his Massachusetts health care plan and we discuss the latest Democratic efforts to demonize Big Oil.
The Myth of Oil Subsidies
The big oil companies all get billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies each year, right? Wrong! They don’t get a dime, according to Louisiana Rep. John Fleming. He says the companies do enjoy certain tax breaks and credits – benefits available to virtually every business in America. So what is this Democratic effort really all about? What are both parties offering to bring down gas prices? How would long-term energy production projects bring down energy prices almost immediately? We discuss it all with Rep. Fleming, a member of the House Natural Resources Committee.
Obama’s ‘Abject Falsehood’
Earlier this week, President Obama urged Congress to move forward on his version of immigration reform legislation. And part of his push is his contention that his administration has done everything necessary to secure the border. But what is the real story on border security and the border fence? What is the Republican plan? How important is the fate of the Arizona laws at the Supreme Court? We ask Arizona Rep. Ben Quayle. And we also ask Congressman Quayle how lawmakers and national security leaders ought to be bracing for possible retaliation from Al Qaeda.
Three Martini Lunch 5/12/11
Greg Corombos of Radio America and Jim Geraghty of National Review like Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey’s campaign to explain that not raising the debt ceiling would not be the calamity that many people claim. We also rip the Obama administration and Harry Reid for their thuggish tactics in trying to prevent Boeing from building major facilities in South Carolina. And we rip apart the credibility of a new AP poll showing Obama’s approval rating at 60 percent.
Why There Can’t Be a Truce
On Wednesday, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels signed legislation barring state taxpayer dollars from funding Planned Parenthood in way. Is this an isolated incident or will other states soon follow suit? And does this show social conservatives that Daniels can be trusted even though he wants to call a truce on these issues? We ask Tom McCluskey, vice president of government affairs at the Family Research Council. We also ask McCluskey about this week’s firestorm over Navy chaplains being permitted to perform gay weddings in states where such unions are legal – and the subsequent order to block such ceremonies.