A filmmaker with extensive knowledge of the current border crisis says this chaos is exactly what President Obama wants and planned for and he says the current media fixation on abandoned children means criminals, drug smugglers and terrorists are coming to the United States without even being noticed.
Dennis Michael Lynch directed and produced “They Come to America” and “They Come to America II” and has extensive, daily contact with U.S. Border Patrol agents about the true state of our southern border. He says there are essentially four groups of people pouring across the border: families of various sizes, unaccompanied minors, drug smugglers and career criminals and terrorists. Lynch says while the media focuses on the kids, really bad people are easily slipping into the country.
“I can tell you from the people I speak to in the Border Patrol who are in the intelligence unit, they have told me that gang members are receiving as much as $50,000 per head to bring a person through. Those people are typically from the Middle East or from China,” said Lynch, who predicts the people waltzing into the country will perpetrate an attack on the U.S. that will rival or exceed 9/11.
“You will absolutely see terror attacks. They may not come in the form of airplanes crashing into buildings, but they’re going to come in different ways: water treatment plants, electrical grids. You name it, it is there for the possibility of taking,” he said.
President Obama is urging Congress to approve $3.8 billion in new funding that he says is designed to expedite deportation, while critics contend there’s a lot more about prolonged care for the detainees than there is about deportation in the legislation. Lynch isn’t buying anything Obama is saying at this point.
“This president has no intent of sending anybody home, just like he didn’t intend for you to be able to keep your doctor if you liked your doctor and just like he knew that there was no video that would spur a terrorist attack in Benghazi. If you believe what he says right now, I have a desert to sell you,” said Lynch.
According to Lynch, this crisis is exactly what Obama wanted to happen.
“He is enjoying what he is seeing down at the border. That is why he’s trying to work now with the UN to try to get war refugee status for these children. That’s why he’s sending them across the country and just releasing them,” he said. “This is not about reform. That’s all rhetoric. This is about fundamentally transforming the country.”
Lynch even alleges that this is the biggest legacy of this administration, topping even the massive overhaul of the nation’s health care system.
“Everybody always thought that Obamacare was his baby, that Obamacare was going to be his legacy and how he wanted to transform the country. I say no. That is just a really heavy insurance policy that the next president could repeal, or alter, or change or lessen the damage on businesses. When you turn around and let this many people into the country, when you give amnesty or give an executive order that says they can work and stay in the U.S., you can’t repeal people. You can’t deport 20, 30, 40 million people with a pen. This is what transforms a country. This is what Obama wants,” he said.
In addition to asserting Obama wants to make these people citizens and have them voting Democratic for generations through an endless flow of federal benefits, Lynch says this is about moving America closer to the poorer nations of the world.
“I think he does want to put the United States of America on an equal playing field with the rest of the world. I think he’s doing that, because the more people we take in from the third world, all it does is weaken every part of our country. It weakens our health care system, our schools, our finances, you name it. It increases the welfare state,” said Lynch, who elaborated on the immediate impact on our schools.
“From a health and school perspective, I don’t think America is really going to understand what is taking place down on the southern border, not only now but over the past six, eight, nine months to a year. When school starts again in September, people are going to be amazed by how many kids are coming in who do not speak English. I mean the schools are going to get flooded,” said Lynch.
Based on his conversations with Border Patrol officials, Lynch described how this new border crisis was carefully orchestrated.
“When you speak to Border Patrol agents like I do, you hear from the Border Patrol agents that they are beside themselves due to the fact they cannot enforce the law,” said Lynch, noting the federal government announcednew orders in January not to turn anyone away.
“They were told by the station head, ‘Going forward, we are not going to capture and deport. We are going to capture and release,” he said. “That’s when the whole thing started with them taking in families , doing a quick look over, which really is just ridiculous, and then taking them to a bus station so they could go to somewhere in the USA,” he said.
That same month is when the Department of Homeland Security is known to have sent out Requests for Information on the cost and feasibility of escorting newly arrived illegals to various locations around the country.
In addition to the threat this presents to the nation, Lynch says it is having a horrific impact on the morale of the Border Patrol.
“These guys are at an all-time low. I talk to them every day. They send me pictures. Guys are leaving the department. They say they’re just not doing it anymore. These guys are overpaid taxi drivers. They give illegal aliens the transportation they need from the border to the Border Patrol Detention Center and then to the bus depot. How would you like to have that job? These guys signed on to protect America, and all they’re doing is driving a fancy taxi,” said Lynch.