Tuesday is primary day in a number of states around the country. However, in addition to the House and Senate races, some key ballot initiatives are also being decided. One that’s garnered a lot of attention in recent days is Measure 2 in North Dakota, which would abolish property taxes. Charlene Nelson is chairman of the Empower the Taxpayer movement behind the referendum. She says the property assessment process is frustratingly arbitrary and different zoning areas carry much different tax rates. Nelson also argues that if she owns her property there’s no reason why she should still have to ‘pay rent’ on it to the local government. Supporters of the repeal have an uphill climb according to recent polls but the effort is still competitive despite being outspent by an estimated 30-1. Nelson says organized labor, big business and other interests are all aligning against the plan. They worry that abolishing the property tax will drain valuable resources from the government for schools and other priorities. Nelson says that money will still be there and tax hikes in other areas won’t be necessary to make up the difference.