In the past several days, bank regulation was back in the news – particularly in the wake of JP Morgan Chase losing two billion in funds through risky bets. Proponents of more government intervention say this means the Dodd-Frank bill didn’t go far enough. Free market advocates say more tinkering from Uncle Sam is the last thing we need. American Bankers Association President Frank Keating says the government has to have a regulatory role any time taxpayer money is being used to back up bank funds. However, Keating believes the lessons from the 2008 financial crisis have been learned and that banks don’t need excessive hovering from regulators. He also explains whether he sees Dodd-Frank as a necessary response to the crisis or as a meddlesome overreaction. Keating also explains how prospective homeowners should go about preparing for the biggest financial decision of their lives and what indicators should tip you off over whether to buy a home or avoid becoming another statistic.