Traditional marriage is undefeated at the ballot box in the U.S. but the issue is before the voters in four more states next month. Three states will be deciding whether to legalize same sex marriage, while Minnesota residents will be asked to approve a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as only the union of one man and one woman.
Right now, polls show support for the amendment just barely outpacing opposition. Minnesota for Marriage Communications Director Chuck Darrell says he’s confident his state will defend traditional marriage.
“Most Minnesotans understand that marriage is between a man and a woman,” he said. “It’s not simply about the love of any two adults. Kids need a mom and a dad and not just any two people that are committed to each other will do. Marriage is rooted in natural law. It’s who we are.”
Darrell says this isn’t about denying homosexuals personal choices but about making sure they don’t force those choices on everyone else.
“They can love whoever they want, but they don’t have the right to tell everybody in Minnesota that they’re going to redefine marriage and force same sex marriage on Minnesotans.”
Religious freedom and parental authority are also endangered, according to Darrell. He says the evidence from Canada and states that have legalized gay marriage shows tolerance for disagreement evaporating and parents being told they don’t have a say in what their kids are taught.
“Once same sex marriage is legalized then that is what the schools are forced to teach,” said Darrell. “What we’re seeing in other states is if parents object to it, if they want to opt their kids out of the class they’ve been told no. One father who objected was actually taken out of school in handcuffs and spent the night in jail. In Canada what we’re hearing is that parents are being told you have no right to know what we’re teaching your kids about marriage or when we’re going to teach it. School bureaucrats are actually beginning to describe themselves as co-parents which is certainly usurping parental authority.”
He says the Canadian government is already telling homeschooling families and religious schools what they can and cannot teach about human sexuality.
Darrell says free speech is also on the line in this debate. He says traditional marriage supporters already feel intimidated to stay quiet about their beliefs and legalizing same sex marriage will only intensify that political correctness.