A Pennsylvania jury will soon render a verdict on whether abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell murdered four babies who survived abortions as well as a woman who was one of his patients, but a new series of videos from Live Action suggest that Gosnell’s actions are not out of the mainstream.
Live Action President Lila Rose says her group has already released two videos showing abortion providers in New York City Washington, D.C. explaining how they would do nothing to help a baby who survived an abortion to survive.
The 10-year Planned Parenthood adviser tells an undercover Live Action investigator that if she were to deliver her baby alive while at home between the stages in her two-day abortion, that she should just “flush it”. The female official also said that the woman definitely should not call a hospital because it wouldn’t help her since the abortion had already started. She further asserted that any surviving baby would die once it was submerged in a toxic solution inside a jar.
In Washington, Dr. Caesare Santanegelo admits that he is legally bound to help a baby who survived an abortion to stay alive but that he would not. Santangelo says he would call 9-1-1 but do nothing on his own to save the child’s life. He also criticizes Virginia hospitals for their policy of trying to save those lives.
“Gosnell is not alone. This investigation shows already those in the Bronx and in D.C., abortion workers talking about how they would commit infanticide and how this is either the tactic they would use, whether to expose the infant or put it in a jar of toxic solution so that it will stop breathing,” said Rose, who says these first two videos are just the beginning of this series which she contends will repeatedly show abortion practitioners having detailed knowledge of exactly what they would do if a baby survives an abortion – a description that almost never follows the law.
The Gosnell trial was part of the motivation for this video series, but Rose says personal stories and cold statistics prove this situation plays out far more often than the pro-choice movement would have Americans believe.
“We’ve had our eye on the late-term abortion industry because of the stories that have emerged of victims that survived abortion attempts and then lived to tell about it or the stories of women who suffered or are even killed because of the abortion,” said Rose.
“Then we came across statistics like out of the UK, where the study was done about one in ten children in the late term survive their abortion attempt. This is because you’re inducing labor at this stage and the child supposed to have been killed with forceps or poison may come out alive,” she said.
While Rose would love to see proper enforcement of existing laws on late-term abortions in addition to new laws, she says real progress will come when abortion is no longer illegal in America. She is also pushing hard against the conventional wisdom that the right to an abortion empowers women.
“The abortion movement is built upon this false protection, supposedly, of women’s rights, but how does this support or empower women to have them involved in ghastly 2-3 day procedures that literally rip their children from their wombs and endanger their physical and psychological health. This is not good for women just as this is clearly not good for our society because we’re killing our weakest children when they’re in their most vulnerable state,” said Rose.
Rose says new videos could come in the next week or even in the next couple of days.