In a new report, he United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns the catastrophic risks posed by man-made climate change not only threatens us with ecological disaster but will soon be an even greater factor is the proliferation of diseases, economic chaos and even wars.
However, scientists who believe the most threatening hot air is coming from the IPCC and not human activity, say the report raises climate change hysteria to a new level.
Participants in the latest report and other figures sounding the alarm on climate change say we’re very close to the point where devastating events will be unavoidable.
“We’re now in an era where climate change isn’t some kind of future hypothetical,” said the overall lead author of the report, Chris Field of the Carnegie Institution for Science in California to the Associated Press. “We live in an area where impacts from climate change are already widespread and consequential.”
Other contributors to the IPCC report told the Associated Press that humanity is nothing but “sitting ducks” as horrible environmental conditions build around the globe. They also blamed fossil fuel consumption for widening the gap between rich and poor and suggested that more extreme weather conditions, such as droughts, will lead to armed conflict over the dwindling amount of vital resources.
The urgent language is getting the desired response at the White House, where officials are urging immediate action, but skeptical climate scientists see a movement resorting to extreme rhetoric and predictions to obscure the IPCC’s track record of failure.
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have been wrong on every single prediction they’ve made since 1990,” said Dr. Tim Ball, a former professor of climatology at the University of Winnipeg and author of “The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science”.
“In science, what you do is if your predictions are wrong, you go back and re-examine your science. They haven’t done that. They’ve simply shifted the goalposts so it went from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change.’ They’ve also increased the personal attacks, even to the point where Secretary of State John Kerry publicly accused scientists like myself or John Christie and Roy Spencer, who have won awards from NASA for their science, accused them of being flat-earthers,” said Ball.
“The other thing you do is you up the ante. You say, ‘Oh no, it’s far worse than we thought.’ and of course that’s what they’re doing. If you look at the record, even Warren Buffett said there’s been no increase in insurance claims because of severe weather in all the insurance companies that he holds,” said Ball.
The latest IPCC report reiterates previous UN conclusions that the earth is on pace to be six to seven degrees warmer by the end of the century and insists the world commit to a global temperature hike of only two degrees. Ball finds that mindset presumptuous and lacking any scientific foundation.
“They can set any goal they want if you know that’s not your objective. Their objective is to introduce legislation to reduce CO2, to cut down industrialized nations, to reduce the development and to blame the developed nations for it,” said Ball.
Making imminent predictions of global disaster carries inherent risk for the credibility of the IPCC, since the world will soon see whether these dire events take place. Ball says a sympathetic media are largely responsible for these scientists not being called on their lousy track record of predictions, but he says lack of public concern and dwindling research dollars from governments around the world are forcing climate change activists to make even more outrageous claims.
“None of the polls show global warming or climate change as a concern for citizens. The other thing that’s happening is that governments are very quietly…pulling the funding from the bureaucracies that are pushing this stuff. That’s what they’re afraid of, that all this money going to the UN and going to their research and their claims is going to disappear. So that’s why they’re shaking the tree a whole lot harder,” said Ball.
Ball says the United States is a major exception to the growing list of nations that are pulling back funding for climate change research. Instead, he says the Obama administration is fully committed to reducing carbon emissions and other aspects of the green agenda.
“They’ve ignored all the evidence up to now. When we look at what’s going on with the EPA, what they’re doing is using the environment and climate change and (now) water as a political club and a political vehicle and they’re doing it through the bureaucracies,” said Ball.
Ball is also encouraged that the British government is publicly acknowledging that the earth’s temperature has remained constant since 1997, evidence that he says the IPCC tries to dismiss but is simply further proof that the UN is peddling bad science.
“They’re calling it a pause. They say ‘It’s a pause but the warming will return.’ It’s nonsense. The science is wrong, totally and absolutely wrong,” said Ball.