Decades of liberal indoctrination descended in a perfect storm upon the election of Barack Obama, and author David Kupelian says the left needs a nation of broken, dependent people to stay in power.
Kupelian, who is author most recently of “The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing A Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture,” also tells traditional Americans to resist the instinct to lash out at what they see as ugly takeover of our nation.
Kupelian says Marxists have been trying to infiltrate and indoctrinate critical American institutions since the years following the Civil War. He says the past 50 years have been especially aggressive and America has changed far more than most people realize.
“The ‘blur’ is my metaphor for what we’ve lived through since the 1960’s, meaning we don’t really understand what has happened to us and what has been leading us and where it’s leading us to. We’ve just been changing very rapidly over the past few decades and most people don’t really understand why,” said Kupelian.
He says the American people largely resisted major liberal changes, but the election of Barack Obama changed that.
“With the election of Obama and the re-election of Obama in 2012, we’ve moved into a new phase of this. The cultural Marxists, the Frankfurt School and all the various players that said, ‘We’ll take over the institutions. We’ll take over the colleges. We’ll take over the news media, even many of the churches,’ which is undeniable that they have. They said the last piece to fall into place will be government itself,” said Kupelian.
He says the most accurate gauge of the “blur” is how many Americans are miserable.
“This madness that we’re describing in the country, the big strokes, the wealth redistribution, the change of our economic system and the change of our health care system, is reflecting in the individual problems and brokenness and pathology of individual Americans,” said Kupelian.
He says there are all sorts of statistics documenting America’s broken state, but listed two in particular he thinks paint a very frightening portrait of a nation.
“The statistics are absolutely heartbreaking: one hundred ten million Americans with a sexually transmitted disease, one hundred thirty million Americans that are dependent on mind-altering substances just to get through life. I could go on and on. The statistics are absolutely breathtaking. It sounds like everybody in the country is addicted and miserable and depressed,” said Kupelian.
But rather than really trying to improve the lives of those people, Kupelian says that’s exactly the way liberals want them.
“The left is dependent on making people angry and dependent on them and needing them. All you have to do is look at the most broken people in society and you see that’s the voting bloc. You want to get really hard core? That’s who is voting for people like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders,” said Kupelian.
Kupelian sees liberal loyalty to Clinton as an acute case of this concept.
“Everybody knows Hillary Clinton is a shape-shifter and just say whatever she to get elected. She’s just a sociopath. She has no principles. She just loves power. So how can people not see that? How can they be so blinded? How can Americans not see that? I’m saying these are the most broken people in America. The most miserable, dependent, damaged broken people are the ones that resonate with Hillary Clinton,” said Kupelian.
As more and more people become dependent upon the federal government, Kupelian says the left is more and more open about its true agenda.
“I would challenge people to go to, that’s the Communist Party USA’s website. Just spend 10-15 minutes looking it over. Click on the various tabs. Read their positions on issues. I defy you to find any significant difference today’s Communist Party…and today’s Democrat Party,” said Kupelian.
Kupelian says desperate people gravitate in that direction while the others have a very different view.
“The normal people are hoping to elect a truly decent person as president. That is the spectacle we see on stage right now,” said Kupelian.
But Kupelian is quick to add that Americans who honor the Constitution and abide by Judeo-Christian values are not without hope. He devotes much of his book to reversing the liberal tide but he says the most important point is to avoid giving the left exactly what it wants.
“We have hundreds of sanctuary cities and the borders are wide open and men cutting off their private parts and then proclaiming that they’re women. We see all this sheer madness and we say, ‘What do we do?’ It’s very easy to be upset about it. Don’t,” said Kupelian.
Why not?
“The modus operandi of the left is utterly dependent on people flying into a rage and overreacting and becoming full of anger and fury at what is being done to them.,” said Kupelian. “This is a war for them. They cannot succeed over a virtuous people unless people become so angry and so broken,” said Kupelian, who says responding in anger gives the left a win by making conservatives look unhinged.
He also says responding in kind comes with an absence of grace, which is critical to long-term success.
“We need to find God’s grace. We need to wake up from this trance and we need to stand up to it. We need to do it with grace. Think Ronald Reagan,” said Kupelian.