How can you save money while still completing your Christmas shopping? How can you create the most accurate budget? Why is paying in cash a good idea this year? What’s the best way to find the best price? We tackle all of those questions as we visit with Lisa Featherngill, CPA and Personal Financial Specialist for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Dateline Washington: Money-Saving Tips for the Christmas Shopping Season
How can you save money while still completing your Christmas shopping? How can you create the most accurate budget? Why is paying in cash a good idea this year? What’s the best way to find the best price? We tackle all of those questions as we visit with Lisa Featherngill, CPA and Personal Financial Specialist for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Joe Lieberman Gets Light Punishment for Backing McCain
Many liberals wanted Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman to receive a stiff Senate rebuke for supporting Republican presidential nominee John McCain and even speaking at the Republican National Convention. On Tuesday, Lieberman was stripped of his seat on one committee but he was allowed to stay as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Should we be surprised at the mild punishment? Why is this chairmanship so important? And how are voters back in Connecticut viewing Lieberman these days? We ask former Lieberman Chief of Staff Michael Lewan.
Dateline Washington: Joe Lieberman Gets Light Punishment for Backing McCain
Many liberals wanted Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman to receive a stiff Senate rebuke for supporting Republican presidential nominee John McCain and even speaking at the Republican National Convention. On Tuesday, Lieberman was stripped of his seat on one committee but he was allowed to stay as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Should we be surprised at the mild punishment? Why is this chairmanship so important? And how are voters back in Connecticut viewing Lieberman these days? We ask former Lieberman Chief of Staff Michael Lewan.
Obama Victory Not A Mandate for Amnesty
In the wake of Barack Obama’s victory, many left-leaning interest groups are declaring a mandate for their causes. But those in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants are in for some sobering news. According to polling done by Zogby International for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the vast majority of Obama did not share his views on immigration policy. And 60 percent say they want the government to crack down on illegals. We go over the numbers and get analysis from Bob Dane, Communications Director at the Federation for American Immigration reform.
Dateline Washington: Obama Victory Not A Mandate for Amnesty
In the wake of Barack Obama’s victory, many left-leaning interest groups are declaring a mandate for their causes. But those in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants are in for some sobering news. According to polling done by Zogby International for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the vast majority of Obama did not share his views on immigration policy. And 60 percent say they want the government to crack down on illegals. We go over the numbers and get analysis from Bob Dane, Communications Director at the Federation for American Immigration reform.
Georgia Rep. Tom Price on the Economic Crisis
The top three figures on the Bush economic team testified before the House Financial Services Committee about the state of the $700 billion bailout package and against another bailout plan for the auto industry and others. What did they have to say about the handling of the $700 billion? Why do they believe the credit crisis is loosening? How do they react to accusations that they are turning their backs on capitalism and the free markets? We ask Georgia Rep. Tom Price, a member of the House Financial Services Committee.
Dateline Washington: Georgia Rep. Tom Price on the Economic Crisis
The top three figures on the Bush economic team testified before the House Financial Services Committee about the state of the $700 billion bailout package and against another bailout plan for the auto industry and others. What did they have to say about the handling of the $700 billion? Why do they believe the credit crisis is loosening? How do they react to accusations that they are turning their backs on capitalism and the free markets? We ask Georgia Rep. Tom Price, a member of the House Financial Services Committee.
Dateline Washington: The News
We have Monday?s top news?What are Congressional Democrats saying about their plans to bail out the auto industry and the Treasury?s handling of the existing bailout money? Why are some Congressional Republicans saying enough is enough with the government handouts? What is the Bush administration?s position? What did the markets do on Monday? Which major U.S. firm is slashing 50,000 jobs? What is the status of a new security pact between the U.S. and Iraq? We have all the answers as we discuss the biggest stories for Monday, November 17, 2008.
Dateline Washington: Texas Rep. Kevin Brady on Proposed Auto Industry Bailout
Should Congress step in to assist the critically ill auto industry or is it time to let some sectors of the economy succeed or fail on their own? Would an emergency loan of $25 billion be a good move to save millions of jobs? Or would it only encourage every other struggling industry to come to Washington looking for money? Is Washington just reacting to the economic mess or is there a long-term approach at work here? That?s what we ask Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, a member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.