We have Tuesday’s top news…Tuesday’s numbers from Wall Street…What was and what wasn’t discussed between Bush and Obama on Monday…Increasing Democratic pressure for an economic stimulus package…and remarks from President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on Veterans Day 2008. We discuss these issues and more as we cover the biggest stories for Tuesday, November 11, 2008.
Remembering World War I on the 90th Anniversary of Armistice Day
Veteran’s Day was originally known as Armistice Day – to note the end of World War I on November 11, 1918. What should all Americans know about that conflict? Why do most people know so little about it? How did the war change the map, the world and America’s role in the world? We ask Dr. Tom Conner, Professor of History at Hillsdale College, where he holds the William P. Harris Chair in Military History.
Consumer Optimism Soars
After months of recording growing pessimism and unease about our economy, the latest survey from Investors Business Daily shows a surge in optimism both for our nation’s economic outlook and at your own kitchen table. Why the major shift? What can we learn from the most optimistic groups? We ask Terry Jones, Associate Editor at Investor’s Business Daily.
Dateline Washington: Remembering World War I on the 90th Anniversary of Armistice Day
Veteran’s Day was originally known as Armistice Day – to note the end of World War I on November 11, 1918. What should all Americans know about that conflict? Why do most people know so little about it? How did the war change the map, the world and America’s role in the world? We ask Dr. Tom Conner, Professor of History at Hillsdale College, where he holds the William P. Harris Chair in Military History.
Dateline Washington: Consumer Optimism Soars
After months of recording growing pessimism and unease about our economy, the latest survey from Investors Business Daily shows a surge in optimism both for our nation’s economic outlook and at your own kitchen table. Why the major shift? What can we learn from the most optimistic groups? We ask Terry Jones, Associate Editor at Investor’s Business Daily.
Former Rep. Vin Weber on Minnesota Senate Cliffhanger
The Minnesota race for U.S. Senate remains a cliffhanger and will not be resolved for weeks. So how does this process play out? Why has Franken picked up so many more votes than usual in the recanvassing of the state? Is anything illegal happening? And what kind of oversight is happening to make sure the recount proceeds fairly? We ask former Minnesota Rep. Vin Weber.
Dateline Washington: Former Rep. Vin Weber on Minnesota Senate Cliffhanger
The Minnesota race for U.S. Senate remains a cliffhanger and will not be resolved for weeks. So how does this process play out? Why has Franken picked up so many more votes than usual in the recanvassing of the state? Is anything illegal happening? And what kind of oversight is happening to make sure the recount proceeds fairly? We ask former Minnesota Rep. Vin Weber.
Stem Cells, Abortion and Obama
How would Barack Obama change the government’s funding policies towards embryonic stem cell research? How might he and Congressional Democrats strip all abortion restrictions such as parental notification or even permitting doctors opposed to abortion the right to refuse conducting them? How do conservatives confront the liberal argument that they are anti-science? We ask Dr Yuval Levin, former Executive Director of the President’s Council on Bioethics and author of “Imagining the Future: Science and American Democracy”.
Dateline Washington: Stem Cells, Abortion and Obama
How would Barack Obama change the government’s funding policies towards embryonic stem cell research? How might he and Congressional Democrats strip all abortion restrictions such as parental notification or even permitting doctors opposed to abortion the right to refuse conducting them? How do conservatives confront the liberal argument that they are anti-science? We ask Dr Yuval Levin, former Executive Director of the President’s Council on Bioethics and author of “Imagining the Future: Science and American Democracy”.
The News
We have Monday’s top news…The New York Times leaks the details of a classified order connected to the war on terrorism…Barack Obama wants Guantanamo detainees brought to the U.S. for trial…The Bushes Welcomes the Obamas to the White House…The economy suffers more bad news of bankruptcy and job losses. It’s all part of Dateline’s coverage of the biggest stories for Monday, November 10, 2008.