As the success of the military surge in Iraq becomes clearer every day, the progress achieved by our armed forces is even more impressive when compared to the conditions in Iraq during the insurgency. Col. Peter Mansoor led the U.S. Army’s 1st Armored Division from mid-2003 until mid-2004. Later he served as Executive Officer for Gen. David Petraeus during the first 15 months of the surge. Listen as Greg and Col. Mansoor discuss the difficult conditions following major combat operations
The Latest on ACORN, Voter Registration Fraud and Obama
This week, the investigations into the voter registration tactics of the community organization group known as ACORN have intensified. Now more than a dozen states are probing ACORN, including in Ohio where one teenager was given cigarettes and money for signing up to vote more than 70 times. So what is the story behind ACORN? What is its real agenda? How is it linked and not linked with Barack Obama? We ask Wall Street Journal Columnist John Fund, author of “Stealing Elections.”
Killing the Deadly Killer
Daniel Smith, President of the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network, discusses how states can act to prevent cancer. Cancer Action Network has produced a study rating the fifty states in the union cancer prevention techniques. Should the government tax tobacco use out of existence? Is it the government’s job to curb tobacco use? What should the government do about health coverage to help those with cancer?
Part II: We Have a Right to Say It’s Wrong
In this second half of the interview, Senator Jim DeMint comes on the show to talk about his book “Why We Whisper”. Senator DeMint says that traditional values must be allowed in the public debate. Do you think American society is on the decline? Has Senator DeMint diagnosed the problem? What can we do to stop the decline? Should we stop it?
We Have a Right to Say It’s Wrong
Senator Jim DeMint comes on the show to talk about his book “Why We Whisper”. Senator DeMint says that traditional values must be allowed in the public debate. Do you think American society is on the decline? Has Senator DeMint diagnosed the problem? What can we do to stop the decline? Should we stop it?
Governing Your Kids Driving
Greg talks to Ford’s Product Development Engineer Tom Miller about MyKey technology. MyKey allows a parent to limit their child’s car speed, lower the radio volume, and other safety measures without being in the car. Would you use this technology? Is it babying your kids? If you don’t trust your kids to drive safely should they be driving at all?
The Case Against Barack Obama
Dateline talks to David Freddoso of National Review Online about his book The Case Against Barack Obama. Freddoso says Barack is not the reformer he claims to be.
What do you think?
Connecticut Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
On Friday, the Connecticut State Supreme Court voted 4-3 to legalize gay marriage. The decision means Connecticut joins Massachusetts and California as states approving full-fledged gay marriage – all by court decisions. So how did this case proceed in Connecticut? Will there be a grass roots effort to reverse it? And what is the latest on the effort to restore the traditional definition of marriage to the California state constitution. We ask Peter Sprigg, Vice President for Policy at the Family Research Council.
Obama, ACORN and Vote Fraud
Vote fraud investigations are taking place in virtually every battleground state and most of the probes are focused on ACORN, the inner city community organizers dedicated to registering massive numbers of new voters in support of Barack Obama. So what kind of vote fraud is happening? How widespread is it? How closely is Obama really linked to ACORN? And can we get a fair election? We ask S.A. Miller of The Washington Times.
Capitol Steps Parody
With just three weeks until Election Day, The Capitol Steps are giving equal time to making fun of Barack Obama and John McCain. Our guest is Capitol Steps star Elaina Newport.