House Democrats say they will not pass a formal budget resolution but will deem one to have passed? Where have we heard that before? Dem leaders also say a formal budget should not be passed until a presidential commission makes its recommendations. Will this shield Democrats from election year accusations of fiscal irresponsibility or just prove they aren’t even trying to cut spending? We ask Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, member of the House Ways & Means Committee and top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee.
Judge Shoots Down Moratorium
On Tuesday, a federal judge ruled against the Obama administration and ordered an end to the moratorium on deep offshore drilling. Why did the judge side with the plaintiffs in this case? What will happen when the administration appeals the decision? How soon does the drilling need to start again if the oil companies are going to stay in the gulf? And will workers be OK during the moratorium because of the money Obama is ordering from BP to compensate workers? We ask Texas Rep. Ted Poe, a strong opponent of the moratorium.
It’s All True
The senior commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan is on his way to Washington to face the music after ripping President Obama’s national security team in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. Retired U.S. Air Force General Tom McInerney says Gen. Stanley McChrystal severely breached protocol but his negative assessments of members on the Obama national security team were completely accurate. Listen here for McInerney’s evaluation of what went wrong on the Obama approach to Afghanistan and why his national security team has underperformed.
More Dem Budget Gimmicks
House Democrats confirmed on Tuesday that they do not intend to pass a budget resolution for the coming fiscal year. Why? Texas GOP Rep. Mike Conaway says the majority doesn’t want to admit to voters just how bad our nation’s fiscal health has deteriorated under its watch. He also says this move allows Democrats to spend even more than usual. We also get Rep. Conaway’s reaction to the controversy surrounding Gen. Stanley McChrystal.
New Plan to Kill Political Speech
Democrats in Congress are working feverishly to impose new campaign finance restrictions before the midterm election season hits full stride. So what new rules would the new legislation impose before interest groups could get their ads on the air? Why could this bill make people think twice about getting involved in a political effort in any way? And why would it discourage new organizations from trying to buy airtime? We ask John Samples, director of the Center for Representative Government at the Cato Institute.
The News
The Supreme Court votes 6-3 to uphold laws banning any assistance or advice to terrorist groups, White House denies Obama reluctant to secure borders before bill is passed, CBO shows uneven tax burden and Obama raises fury over Father’s Day message.
Supremes OK Ban on Terrorist Aid
On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 to uphold a federal banning any type of assistance for terrorist organizations – even humanitarian aid or efforts to peacefully resolve differences. Why was this an important decision? Why is it important to include humanitarian aid in this ban? Should we be surprised Justice Stevens sided with the majority? And what should we make of the U.S. giving $400 million to Hamas-controlled Gaza in light of this law? We ask Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, vice president of research at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.
Obama Dumbing Down Fatherhood
President Obama is drawing blistering criticism Monday over what is usually an innocuous Father’s Day proclamation. But in his 2010 edition, Obama said nurturing families can be raised by “a father and mother, a single father, two fathers…”. What message is Obama trying to send by listing gay men in the same list as a traditional married couple? What is the reality for children raised in a homosexual environment – especially one with two men? What is Obama’s larger agenda? And how big should this and other social issues be in an election year that seems to be pushing cultural concerns to the backburner? We ask Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.
Who Really Pays Taxes?
A new study from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shows the middle class is paying a majority of federal tax revenues. In addition, the wealthies one-fifth of Americans are paying 69 percent of taxes. How does that compare to the percentage of income generated in the U.S. each year? How is it that the poor are actually making money from the current tax system? Who will get hit the most by the tax policy changes that will kick in at the end of the year? We ask these and other questions to Pete Sepp, vice president for communications at the National Taxpayers Union.
The News
After a week of withering criticism, BP CEO has been removed as the leader of the firm’s day-to-day efforts to address the massive oil leak. Rep. Joe Barton’s apology over accusing the White House of a shakedown against BP came only after a major threat from GOP leaders. And President Obama touts the results of his stimulus package.