President Obama opened up a nuclear summit in Washington on Monday, but some lawmakers want a tougher U.S. stance towards Iran. Key senators already preparing for tough Supreme Court confirmation fight. West Virginia mourns fallen miners and Poland grieves deaths of president, first lady and many top dignitaries.
Time Running Short on Iran
President Obama is hosting a major nuclear summit Monday and Tuesday in Washington. What are the goals of the summit? What will determine whether the conference is a success? How much of the talk will be about Iran’s nuclear ambitions? And how will the handling of the Iranian threat impact U.S.-Israeli relations? We ask retired U.S. Army Col. Bob Maginnis.
Sun Sets for Dawn Johnsen
After months of vocal opposition and no Senate confirmation, Dawn Johnsen has withdrawn her name from consideration to head the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Department. So what’s the problem with Johnsen? What she have been doing in this job? Why is this controversy still not over even as Johnsen departs? We ask Wendy Wright, president at Concerned Women for America. We also ask her about the coming Supreme Court confirmation process and an apparent Obama litmus test in his eventual nominee.
The News
As Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens announces his upcoming retirement, we hear what qualities President Obama wants in new justice. We’ll also discuss some of the most high-profile decisions in which Stevens has been involved. We’ll tell you about the latest prominent House Democrat to call it quits, how President Obama is already looking to push new mining safety regulations and how Republicans are looking ahead to the midterm elections.
Lie of the Tiger
The Capitol Steps take aim at the story getting far more coverage than nuclear summits or any other story this week…the saga of TIger Woods.
Democrats Perpetuating Racism
Just as lawmakers prepared to take the final votes on health care reform, Democrats accused opponents of the overhaul plan of being racists and exaggerated stories from that weekend’s confrontations as evidence. Pajamas CEO Roger Simon says this latest episode just proved that Democrats are the party trying to win votes by dividing America along racial lines. Why does he say the charge of racism is just a distraction from the fact Democrats can’t win a debate on the merits? Why don’t Democrats get in trouble for lobbing allegations of racism? Will this tactic persist or is wearing thin in the public?
Wasted Tax Dollars
Citizens Against Government Waste has spent years exposing rampant government waste and pork barrel spending. Now you can help to chronicle misuse of your tax dollars. CAGW President Tom Schatz explains how you can assist the effort, and he discusses some of the most egregious components of the $787 billion stimulus package.
States Prove Big Government Fails
The entire country is suffering through a difficult economy, but some states are still doing well while others are hopelessly in debt and driving businesses and residents to other states. What’s the biggest difference between these states? Why is additional federal money actually a bad thing for the states? And why is the state income tax one of the worst ideas for raising revenue? We ask Jonathan Williams, co-author of “Rich States, Poor States”, a report from the American Legislative Exchange Council.
An Angel from Hell
Iraq War veteran Ryan Conklin has served two tours of duty in Iraq and gives us a glimpse of life for our men and women in uniform. Conklin explains how his decision to join the military was quick and easy, even though he was still in high school. He explains how humor was a major part of dealing with the stress of serving in Iraq and how he thinks Iraq will fare once U.S. troops are gone.
The News
President Obama signs updated nuclear treaty with Russia, Democratic reformers topple repressive government in Kyrgzstan, GOP rips Democratic suggestion of a Value Added Tax.