Radical Muslims suspected in Moscow subway attacks, Obama rallies troops in Afghanistan, GOP cries foul on Obama recess appointments, second Obama TSA nominee withdraws, Barbara Bush hospitalized.
Radical Islam on Two Fronts
Retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Tom McInerney discusses Monday’s terrorist attacks against subway passengers in Moscow. He says we can be sure it was radical Muslims – most likely from Chechnya. He says Russia will issue an overwhelming response and he hopes it will convince Russia to work earnestly to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program. In the wake of President Obama’s surprise trip over the weekend, Gen. McInerney also explains how the fight is going well in Afghanistan and why our own rules of engagement hinder even more progress.
Taxes Galore
Peter Sepp of the National Taxpayers Union explains why the recently passed health care plan has many major firms looking at hundreds of millions in additional costs if they hope to comply with the new guidelines on prescription drug coverage. He also describes many more tax provisions that will hurt large and small businesses, impose a marriage penalty and clearly break his campaign pledge to raise taxes only on the very rich. And you’ll learn about a dirty little trick inserted into the bill that may tax you soon if not right away.
‘Very, Very, Very Dangerous’
Heritage Foundation economist Nicola Moore examines the recent Congressional Budget Office estimate that our national debt will equal 90 percent of GDP within just 10 years. What percentage is our debt now? What impact will even more explosive debt have on our economy? Why is Social Security going into the red several years earlier than expected? And what will be the fallout of President Obama’s plan to have banks lower mortgage payments or forgive some altogether?
Nuke Deal OK, No Help on Iran
Hudson Institute expert Richard Weitz says the U.S. and Russia were wise to reach a new agreement on nuclear weapons, but not much has really changed in terms of policy because of this deal. So what does it do? How tough are the verification measures? Will Russia actually help us stop Iran from gaining nukes? And which side is calling the shots in this relationship?
‘This Is A Job-Killing Bill’
California Rep. Dan Lungren says realities of the health bill and the follow-up bill of fixes is already crippling major companies and forcing others overseas. Lungren says companies with retiree benefits will take a huge hit and so will anyone who invests money in private sector job growth. Lungren also discusses the charged atmosphere on Capitol Hill – a tension he says the Democratic majority could have easily avoided.
Obamacare Damage Already Seen
Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute explains what’s in the so-called ‘fixes’ to the new health care laws. Why will major companies be hurt? Why are many doctors ready to quit? Why are seniors getting the shaft? And why will Democrats still be short on revenue despite massive tax increases?
Cash for Codgers
Passions on both sides of the health care debate remain very intense, even after passage of the Democratic legislation. So the Capitol Steps are considering another option to reform the system that might appeal to both parties.
The News
President Obama tries to sell his health plan in Iowa, as the Senate approves the health bill ‘fixes’ via reconciliation. Democrats charge Republicans with inciting terrorism, GOP says Dems are trying to politicize a few radicals. Rudy Giuliani slams Obama for shabby treatment of Netanyahu and Israel.
Rudy Rips Obama Over Israel
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says President Obama is sending a terrible message to the world by scolding Israel over new settlements and being far more harsh on one of strongest allies than on the Palestinians who refuse to renounce terrorism. Giuliani says Obama is trying to curry favor with the Muslim world but is only making us seem weaker. He says there is only one way to deal with Islamic radicals. Giuliani also offers his thoughts on the current political climate.