Iran will have deployable nuclear weapons by this time next year unless President Obama takes simple steps that would bankrupt Iran and force it to abandon its nuclear goals. What are those simple steps? Why won’t Obama take them? Why do Obama and the Clintons hate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? Would an Israeli military strike work? What would be the fallout? We ask Middle East expert Mike Evans, a close friend of Netanyahu.
GOP Couldn’t Counter Pelosi’s Shocking Pro-Life Strategy
Iowa Rep. Steve King says Republicans misplayed Nancy Pelosi’s sudden decision to allow a pro-life amendment to the bill. Why does he say Republicans should have just killed the whole bill instead of worrying about abortion? What does he expect in the Senate? And why did King stay in Washington for the health care vote instead of attending his own son’s wedding?
Health Bill Will Collapse Under Its Own Weight
Nebraska. Sen. Mike Johanns says the House health care bill has very little chance in the Senate. Why? Why does he think the amount of tax increases and deficit spending will derail Democratic support? Are all Republicans aligned against it? What is in the Senate bill anyway?
‘Breathtaking’ Hikes in Taxes and Spending Would Fund Obamacare
Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee, explains the fiscal horror show that is the health care bill passed by House Democrats on Saturday. How much will taxes be raised? Who will be stuck with the bill? How much will this really cost? And what will this mean for the effort to create more jobs?
Political Correctness Undermines War on Terrorism
Terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel says the Obama administration and even the military are allowing this country to be paralyzed by political correctness. She says the evidence shows that Nidal Malik Hasan was absolutely a radical islamist, but no one wants to admit the obvious because it hurts ongoing efforts to paint our enemies as something other than what they are – radical islamists who hate this country and what we stand for. Gabriel has very tough language for Obama and our military leaders and says our military is infested with this dangerous ideology.
Fall of Berlin Wall Stopped ‘Cancer’ of Communism
California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who was also a Reagan speechwriter and special assistant, discusses the huge significance of today’s 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down. Why is it so important to remember? Why does Rohrabacher give Reagan so much credit for winning the Cold War? And what does Rohrabacher say about those who say Commumism would have collapsed without pressure from Reagan? Trust me, you don’t want to miss that answer or his analysis of President Obama’s decision not to attend today’s events in Berlin!
Inside Reagan’s Mission to Crush Communism
Karna Small Bodman served as senior director of the National Security Council in the Reagan administration. Why was Reagan so steadfast in his determination to defeat (rather than live with) Communism? What is the real story of the fierce fight over Reagan’s speech at the Berlin Wall in 1987? Does Reagan deserve much of the credit for the Berlin Wall coming down 20 years ago today, or should Mikhail Gorbachev get it?
Enslaving Our Children to Debt
Former GSA Administrator Lurita Doan explains why the Democratic health plan means a massive increase in our nation’s debt. She also discusses why Obama’s budget gimmicks will mean massive deficits in Fiscal Year 2011. How much money could be saved if Obama kept his promise to go line by line through the federal budget? What specifically should be cut? And how does this tide of fiscal irresponsibility get reversed?
Obama Economic Polices ‘Have Failed’
Texas Rep. Kevin Brady says nine months after the stimulus bill, the Obama economic plan is a failure. Why? Why does he think the Obama approach is fundamentally flawed? We’ll also get his insights on the health care debate. Will is pass? Will there even be a vote this weekend? He also reacts to the shootings at Ft. Hood in his home state.
Don’t Believe Spin, Jobs Picture Getting Worse
On Friday, the unemployment rate rose to 10.2 percent after the economy shed another 193,000 jobs. But should we be encouraged by the White House claim of a million jobs saved or created by the stimulus? Which groups are having the hardest time finding work? How will the Obama agenda impact job creation? We ask Diana Furchgott-Roth, former chief economist for the U.S. Department of Labor.