Georgia Rep. Tom Price, leader of House conservatives, says Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn’t listen to anything the public had to say at the town hall meetings this past summer. Why does he say that? What has changed in the Democratic health plan? What is his alternative plan? Will the Democratic plan pass next week?
Line By Line: What Happened to Obama’s Promise of Fiscal Restraint
On the campaign trail and even early in his administration, President Obama pledged fiscal discipline and that his administration would go line by line through the federal budget to trim out wasteful spending and government programs. So how did we end up with record-setting deficits? What will be the impact if Obama gets his way on health care and energy legislation? How much help would his small business agenda provide? We get insight from Lurita Doan, former director of the General Services Administration under President George W. Bush.
Deficits As Far As the Eye Can See
Texas Rep. Kevin Brady talk health care and the economy. He says he is cautiously upbeat about the increase in economic growth in the third quarter, but why is the current economic strategy unsustainable? What actually spurred the economic growth? What is the long term cost? What is a key Obama economic adviser saying about the impact of the stimulus plan? And where are the jobs?
Rep. Brady also says the Pelosi health care bill needs to be killed and started again. Why? What makes the Pelosi bill a non-starter? Will it pass?
Democrats ‘Dishonest’ on Health Care Costs
Louisiana Rep. Bill Cassidy, also a physician for many years, says Democrats are using financial ‘sleight of hand’ to say their health care bill reduces costs. What are Democrats really doing to make the numbers work? What are Republican plans to reduce costs? And why does Rep. Cassidy say former Sen. John Breaux is dead wrong when it comes to the worthiness of Health Savings Accounts?
Let’s Get Behind the Baucus Bill
Former Louisiana Sen. John Breaux says the Baucus health care bill is probably the best compromise to be found on health care. He explains why he thinks it would keep costs down and why health care mandates are necessary. Sen. Breaux says he is open to some GOP ideas but thinks Health Savings Accounts are a terrible idea.
Obamacare Will Fail; GOP to Win Big Tuesday
John Gizzi of Human Events says not to believe all the press hype. Government-run health care will not pass Congress in any form this year, he says. Gizzi also says Republicans will win the governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey. He also explains what he sees happening in the New York Congressional race and in President Obama’s decision on Afghanistan.
Warner: We Need Bipartisan Energy Reform
Former Virginia Sen. John Warner testified on energy reform legislation Wednesday. What does he think of the Boxer-Kerry bill? Does he like cap and trade? Does he see this bill creating jobs or killing them…or both? Why is he getting involved in this debate? And what does he foresee in next week’s elections in Virginia?
Obama Signs Bill Giving Special Rights to Homosexuals
On Wednesday, President Obama signed the 2010 Defense authorization bill. Attached was a completely unrelated bill extending ‘hate crimes’ protections to homosexuals and people with all sorts of sexual proclivities. Why do supporters think this is necessary? How could this impact free speech critical of homosexuality? How is this part of a much larger agenda? We ask Tom McClusky, Senior Vice President of the Family Research Council’s FRC Action PAC.
Obamacare Has ‘The Power to Destroy’ Jobs
Louisiana Rep. Bill Cassidy says the Reid health care bill is horrible for many reasons. How does it stack up in terms of reducing costs? Would states really be able to opt out or are they saddled with the bill regardless? Why does Cassidy believe the Democratic plan would be a major jobs killer? As a longtime doctor who treated many uninsured people, what does Cassidy see as the proper remedy for expanding coverage?
A War Hero’s Two Battles
Marine SSgt. Jeremiah Workman earned the Navy Cross for his heroism at the Battle of Fallujah in December 2004. What was it like to lead troops in the noise, smoke and general chaos of close combat? What was it like to confront the Islamic ‘fanatics’? What does he remember about that day? How did he realize he was suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? When did he admit that he needed help? Why is he speaking out on the issue now? And what does he think of what troops have accomplished in Iraq?