Brian Wesbury, former chief economist for the Joint Economic of Congress, says the Obama stimulus plan is not doing much to help the economy but it will do a lot of harm as the deficits pile up in the coming years. He also says health and energy legislation will burden Americans down the road. So who does he credit for the economic improvement?
Gizzi on Politics
John Gizzi of Human Events discusses Obama’s latest push to pass his version of health care reform, and why the unions are demanding a public option. Find out why he also sees Afghanistan as Obama’s Vietnam and why he thinks the GOP has a legitimate shot at winning the Massachusetts senate seat.
Coalition Pushes for D.C. Voters to Decide Definition of Marriage
Earlier this year, the D.C. city council voted overwhelmingly to recognize gay marriages performed elsewhere. Council members also made it clear they plan to legalize gay marriage in the district as well. Should this just happen or should it be up to D.C. voters to determine what the definition of marriage ought to be in their city? How would residents likely vote if the issue does get on the ballot? What is the status of the effort to get this issue on the November ballot? What sorts of hateful threats are being aimed at those standing up for traditional marriage? And how do supporters of traditional marriage explain why this vote is so important?
Listen to the interview here and share your thoughts.
Obama, the Public Option and the Flu
President Obama will address a Joint Session of Congress next Wednesday to offer his newest pitch for his brand of health reform. Will he actually seek more common ground or just change the sales pitch for the package the American people seem to be rejecting? How well do the American people really understand the plans Democrats have for our health care system? Why is the Obama administration being so alarmist about the return of the H1N1 virus? Is there a connection to the health reform debate? We ask Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute and one of the foremost health policy experts in the nation.
Listen to the interview here and share your thoughts.
The Scourge of Radical Islam
Terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel discusses the real reasons behind the release of Lockerbie bomber AbdelBaset Ali al-Megrahi. What are we learning about British priorities and what might we learn about the Obama administration? She also discusses the despicable 40-year reign of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi and his constant support of anti-western Islamic radicals. And we learn the latest in the case of 17-year-old Rifqa Bary, the teenage runaway who says her father plans to kill her for converting to Christianity from Islam.
Listen to the interview here and share your thoughts.
Government, Environmentalists Hurting Forests
For the past few days, we’ve seen the raging California wildfires. We see them every year, but are they just a fact of nature or are certain groups making them worse? How does government regulation make these fires worse? What is the proof of that? What about environmental groups and their agendas? What would make forest fires less frequent and more manageable? We ask R.J. Smith of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Obama Making America Less Safe
Former CIA operative Wayne Simmons explains what torture is, what it isn’t and how we should classify the methods used by our interrogators. Are they torturing detainees or are they not even close to the brutal tactics perpetrated against us by our enemies past and present? Why is ‘waterboarding’ now far more humane than it was back when the Japanese were doing it to us back in World War II? What is the bottom line on how such a public probe will impact national security?
Listen here to the interview and share your thoughts with us.
Obama’s Health Care Flip-Flop
Dr. Eric Novack of Americans for Prosperity says Obamacare would require you to buy a health care policy whether you want one or not…same thing for business owners and their workers. What else would you be forced to pay for? What happens to you if you refused to buy a government-approved plan? What did President Obama think about this approach less than two years ago? And why are so many drugmakers and health insurance companies really supporting the president’s plan?
Listen here and share your thoughts.
We Should Leave Afghanistan
Columnist Diana West says we can’t win in Afghanistan because it’s impossible to achieve the goal of nation-building a true Islamic ally. Is it time to pack up and leave a minimal presence in the region or would leaving mean losing and erasing everything we’ve fought for since 9-11?
Listen here to the interview with Diana West and share your thoughts.
Fed Up with the Mainstream Media
Retired U.S. Army Gen. Paul Vallely explains his new online news venture – Why is he behind this new site? What is its purpose? And why can’t we rely on the mainstream media to tell us what we need to know?
Listen to the interview here and share your thoughts.