On Tuesday, the Obama administration said it was sending more border patrol agents and more detection equipment to the southern border in an effort to make sure the dramatic rise in drug cartel-related violence does not spill into the U.S. So how sound is this response? How dangerous is it right now for Americans living near the border? And how easy is it for drug smugglers and illegals to cross into our country? We ask Al Garza, executive director of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.
The News
We have Monday’s top news…What is the Obama plan to loosen up credit and help banks out of the economic crisis? What’s it going to cost you? How did Wall Street respond? What does Obama blame for the economic crisis? Why does Rep. Barney Frank consider retention bonuses a form of extortion? Why does a prominent Republican lawmaker see Obama’s policies leading us down a dangerous road? And what does the GOP figure think of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner? We have the answers as we bring you the biggest stories for Monday, March 23, 2009.
Texas Rep. Kevin Brady Reacts to the Latest Call to Rescue America’s Banks
On Monday, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner outlined more details of his plan to help buy up the troubled assets of America’s banks and help spur the road to economic recovery. So how optimistic should we be about this plan? How is it different than the massive bailout plan approved last year? How can we know it will be handled more responsibly than the first bailout? Can we afford all this spending? What are some alternatives? We ask Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee.
The Green Agenda vs. Reality
What exactly is the green agenda? How much energy would it produce even if we massively increased solar and wind power? What’s the reality in terms of what the cap and trade system will mean for your energy bills and America’s competitiveness on the world stage? And why are environmental activists one of the biggest stumbling blocks for the green agenda? We ask Bill Kovacs of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
More Data Shows Planet Is Cooling
The latest climate data shows the earth has been in a cooling trend for the past several years. What exactly does the data show? What are the indicators that this is part of a new climate cycle and not just an interruption in the warming of the planet? What should we conclude when carbon dioxide levels keep rising while the temperatures drop? If global warming is a hoax, how can millions of true believers be led to the truth? And why will people eventually balk at the global warming political agenda? We ask Dr. Tim Ball. former professor of climatology at the University of Winnepeg.
Obama vs. Pro-Life Doctors and Pharmacists
Why is President Obama trying to overturn Bush administration policy allowing doctors and pharmacists to refuse abortions, contraceptives and other procedures that violate their conscience? Are existing laws enough to protect these medical professionals? How important is today’s federal court decision forcing the FDA to make the Plan B pill available to minors without a prescription or parental consent? What is the impact of this on teen behavior? We ask Wendy Wright, president at Concerned Women for America.
The News
We have Friday’s top news…Just how big is the new deficit projection for Fiscal Year 2009? What are the deficit projections for next year and the next decade? What is President Obama telling state leaders about the stimulus money coming their way? How is Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd defending his actions on AIG bonuses in his latest explanation? What happened on Wall Street Friday? What message did President Obama have for the Iranian people on their new year celebration? What is the story of two U.S. Navy vessels colliding near Iran? And what is the White House reaction to Obama’s Special Olympics gaffe on “The Tonight Show”? We have the answers as we bring you the biggest news from Friday, March 20, 2009.
Brothers at War
Those who have served in Iraq have always told a much different story of what’s happening there than the mainstream media has. So who is right? That’s what Jake Rademacher wanted to know. So this documentary filmmaker went to Iraq to chronicle his two brothers who have served a combined total of seven tours in Iraq. What is it like to be in combat? What did he learn about his brothers and other soldiers? What was the impact on the family lives of his brothers? And how can you see the film? We ask Jake Rademacher, director and producer of “Brothers at War”.
Capitol Steps Parody
We end a rough week of financial news with a few minutes of fun with The Capitol Steps, as they examine how the spending goes up even more with the Democrats in charge. The song is “Return to Spenders” and our guest is Steps star and co-founder Elaina Newport.
Trillion Dollar Deficits as Far As the Eye Can See
On Friday, the Congressional Budget Office projected a record $1.8 trillion deficit for the current fiscal year. It will be $1.4 trillion next year and it won’t get much lower for at least a decade? What do these numbers tell us? What’s to blame? How long can we sustain this much red ink? What is the financial impact of Obama following through on his big ticket items like cap and trade and government-run health care? We ask J.D. Foster, senior fellow in economic policy at the Heritage Foundation.