We have Tuesday’s top news… Bernanke defends government intervention in economic crisis…Obama highlights jobs already created by the stimulus plan…Geithner spars with Congressional Republicans over the Obama budget…Obama denies offering to shelve missile defense in Europe in exchange for Russian pressure on Iran to stop building nukes…stocks slightly lower. It’s all part of the biggest stories for Tuesday, March 3, 2009.
Dr. John Rutledge on the Markets, the Obama Economic Plan and More
How long until the markets bottom out? Where might it bottom out? What are the indicators for what the economy might do in the near and long term? Are policies from Washington helping or hurting our recovery? Why are higher taxes a prescription for a severely stunted economic recovery? How concerned should we be about all the new spending? Can China, Japan and others foot the bill for our deficit spending? We ask Dr. John Rutledge, chairman of Rutledge Capital.
The Bush Deregulation Myth
As the current economic mess unfolds, President Obama and many others are blaming the Bush administration for implementing widespread deregulation that allowed excesses and abuses on Wall Street and beyond. But what is the truth? What is the Bush record on regulation? Was there really deregulation? Where did this explanation come from? And why has it not been challenged? We ask Dan Mitchell, senior fellow at the Cato Institute.
Obama Offers to Scrap Missile Defense for Russian Help with Iran
The White House says President Obama let Russian leaders know he would be willing to consider scrapping construction of a missile shield in eastern Europe if Russia pressures Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions. Russia has already rejected the idea, but what should we make of Obama’s overture? What message is he sending on this issue? What pressure could Russia place on Iran? Can Iran be persuaded not to complete a nuclear weapon? And how far away is a missile shield? We ask Karna Small Bodman, former senior director of the National Security Council in the Reagan administration.
Climate Expert Dr. Tim Ball Explains the Real Agenda Behind the ‘Cap and Trade’ Proposal
President Obama is pushing a so-called ‘cap and trade system’ by which American industry will be forced to meet much stricter carbon emissions standards or face major financial penalties. But is the real goal of this agenda? Why is this just a new name for an idea already rejected? And what is the sordid history of this phase of the green movement? We ask Dr. Tim Ball, former professor at climatology at the University of Winnepeg. And join us on Wednesday when Dr. Ball explains why climate change alarmists have made carbon dioxide the villain in this whole movement and why their argument that harsh winters are actually validation of severe climate change is utterly baseless.
The News
We have Monday’s top news…How far did the Dow plummet? How about the Nasdaq and S&P? What is the Obama administration saying about the latest infusion of taxpayer money to rescue insurance giant AIG? Who is Obama’s new pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services? We answer all of those questions and pay tribute to the late great Paul Harvey as we bring you the biggest stories for Monday, March 2, 2009.
Inside the Tanking Stock Market
Why are the markets continuing to sink like a stone? Is it the economy or a lack of confidence in Washington policies? Are investors leery of the amount of spending or are they convinced it won’t do any good? How much are the markets spooked by the ongoing floundering of AIG? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Are better consumer spending numbers a good sign? We ask Terry Jones, associate editor at Investor’s Business Daily.
Remembering Radio Legend Paul Harvey
On Saturday, the broadcasting world lost one of its greatest legends when Paul Harvey died at the age of 90. What was it about Harvey that endeared him to listeners for more than 75 years and nearly 60 years on the national stage? How was he able to stay extremely popular even as the nation changed around him in significant ways? And what will be his legacy behind the microphone? We ask Paul Farhi of The Washington Post.
The Comeback of Cars and the Future of Ford
How is Ford able to avoid coming to Washington and pleading for taxpayer dollars to stay afloat? Is the bigger challenge right now to regain market share or boost sales in a sluggish economy? Why are Americans looking to buy cars over trucks in big numbers? What is Ford’s strategy to take advantage of this shift to cars? We ask David Finnegan, marketing manager for the Ford Fusion.
The Pro-Life Case Against Gov. Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services
On Monday, President Obama nominated Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to be Secretary of Health and Human Services. Why are pro-life groups furious about this nomination? What is the Sebelius track record on abortion? What questionable decisions did she make as governor? What policies could she influence if confirmed? And what does the nomination suggest about the Obama abortion agenda? We ask Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America.