Over the weekend, U.S. Special Forces successfully attacked and killed the senior al qaeda coordinator inside Syria. What do we know about his work? Why was he a high value target? And do we risk esclating the conflict with Syria? We ask Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Vice President for Research at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.
The Dangers of A Democratic Supermajority
If Barack Obama wins this election and Democrats win big majorities in the House and Senate as well, the Democratic agenda would find few obstacles for at least the next two years. But what would that agenda look like? Why is big labor poised to pick up a great deal of power if Dems win big? What else could we be facing? And why is divided government a good thing? We ask Mark McKinnon, former media strategist for President Bush and now a representative for the Workforce Fairness Institute.
The News
We have Friday’s top news…Barack Obama in Hawaii, Michelle Obama on the stump in Ohio, John McCain keeps slamming the Obama tax plan, Sarah Palin says Election night could be a long one and the Dow sinks again. It’s all covered in the biggest stories for Friday, October 24, 2008.
New Polls in Key States Show McCain Momentum
Why has John McCain cut Barack Obama’s lead in Pennsylvania from 14 points down to seven? Can he pick up more ground? Why is McCain showing a small lead in Florida and Ohio when the same surveys show Americans immensely dissatisfied with the state of our country? And why is Obama doing better then Al Gore or John Kerry in the red state of Georgia? We ask David Johnson, CEO of Strategic Vision, which conducted these surveys.
Energy Policy and Your Vote
In addition to the economy, national security and social issues, energy has been a major topic of conversation in this year’s campaign. But how much should it impact your vote on November 4? Is it possible to wean ourselves from foreign energy within 10 years as Barack Obama promises to do? Will his strategy create a boom of ‘green jobs’ or actually cost jobs because those in the oil, coal and natural gas fields will be out of work? Is John McCain’s goal of 45 nuclear power plants by 2030 feasible? And will his all of the above strategy get this nation where it needs to be? We ask Thomas Pyle, President of the Institute for Energy Research.
Carter and Obama Campaign Similarities
Barack Obama promises lower taxes for working families, a tougher foreign policy than the current administration, big new government programs and restrained federal spending. That’s exactly what Jimmy Carter promised in 1976 only to break every one of them except the one about big new government programs. Are we seeing a repeat of the Carter campaign and possibly his presidency? And why might an Obama victory actually be more damaging than Carter’s 32 years ago? We ask historian Dr. Mark Moyar, who teaches at the U.S. Marine Corps University.
Capitol Steps Parody
The Capitol Steps bring us more laughs to ease the pressure of the recent economic turmoil. This week the Steps bring us two selections, including “Subprime Mortgage Holders.” Our guest is Steps star and co-founder Elaina Newport.
The News
We have Thursday’s top news…How is Alan Greenspan describing the state of our economy? Will it get better soon or get worse first? What did Wall Street do today? Why is John McCain saying Barack Obama’s tax plan is a terrible idea? How is Obama trying to deflect the McCain criticism? We’ll answer all of these questions as we cover the biggest stories for Thursday, October 23, 2008.
RNC Deputy Chairman Frank Donatelli
How do Republicans see the state of the presidential race right now? Why do they believe Barack Obama is vulnerable on the economy? What other issues will be stressed over the final 12 days? Can Republicans keep pace on the money front? And what would be the result of Democrats winning the White House and big majorities in Congress? We ask Republican National Committee Deputy Chairman Frank Donatelli.
Gizzi on Politics
How strong or weak is Barack Obama’s position 12 days before the election? What are Republicans in charge of the House and Senate campaigns saying privately? What will the balances look like in the House and Senate after Election Day? We ask John Gizzi, Political Editor of Human Events.