Brett Winterble of Radio America and National Review’s Jim Geraghty discuss Pelosi’s advisory for democrats to stay home rather than go to convention. Obama’s economic team is full of CEO’s who’s companies are outsourcing jobs and losing employees. And in a new video, James O’Keefe exposes another liberal group willing to support the collection of government money for a fabricated green job business that specializes in digging and filling in holes.
National Review
Three Martini Lunch 7/16/12
Radio America’s Brett Winterble and National Review’s Jim Geraghty discuss Obama’s comments on crediting teachers for your success, the Treasury Department’s secret escapades and Hilary Clinton’s poor treatment in Egypt.
Three Martini Lunch 6/12/12
Greg Corombos of Radio America and Jim Geraghty of National Review discuss Florida’s fight against the Justice Department to remove dead people from the state’s voter rolls. They talk about three more pieces of evidence showing our economy is hurting. Also, they examine the President’s reason for not personally campaigning for the Wisconsin recall.