Listen to “Butina Conned Dems Too, Tariffs Wipe Out Tax Cuts, Trump’s Iran Tweet” on Spreaker.
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are not thrilled to see that alleged Russian spy Maria Butina conned Obama administration officials, but they do welcome the evidence that Russia was infiltrating everywhere and not just getting cozy with the GOP. They also sigh as the Tax Foundation concludes that President Trump’s tariffs and the tariffs aimed back at the U.S. will gobble up all of the tax cuts for working families. In addition, they fume as Citizens Against Government Waste shows Republicans in Congress are cranking up the spending through pork barrel earmarks again. And while they love Mike Pompeo’s speech casting Iranian leaders as the mafia for stealing from their own people to fund terrorism, they’re not sure Trump’s all-caps tweet Sunday night was the best move.