As President Obama stumps for his health plan in Pennsylvania, we get point-by-point reaction from Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Pitts on the GOP agenda, the true cost of the Democratic plan, the abortion language and President Obama’s claim that the free market has already been tried with respect to reforming health care. We’ll also bring you the latest on the sordid story of resigning New York Rep. Eric Massa, who is now saying Democratic leaders are running him out of town over his opposition to the health plan.
Dems vs. Facts on Abortion
The biggest hurdle for Congressional Democrats on the health care front is convincing 12 pro-life Democrats to get on board. The lawmakers are demanding that no taxpayer dollars be used to fund abortions, either directly or indirectly. So what does the bill specifically say? Why are some pro-life Democrats OK with the current language? How could HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius expand the federal role in abortion even more? And will pro-life Dems stand strong or cave to immense pressure from Obama and Pelosi? We ask Susan Muskett, senior legislative counsel for the National Right to Life Committee.
Pitts Rebuts Obama Rally
On Monday, President Obama went to Pennsylvania to campaign for a final vote on his version of health care reform. As Obama claims the GOP position is to loosen the rules on insurance companies, we talk with Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Pitts about what the real Republican plan involves, how Obama really pays for his massive government plan, why House Democrats don’t trust Senate Democrats and what the facts really are in the abortion component of this debate. Pitts co-sponsored the strong pro-life language offered by Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak.
Virginia Rejects Obamacare Mandate
One of the most controversial components of the president’s health care agenda is the individual mandate, which requires all adults to purchase health coverage or face a $750. Not paying the fine would result in huge additional fines or a year in prison. Virginia Del. Bob Marshall is leading the effort in his state to protect residents who decide not to purchase coverage. So how did Marshall take the lead on this issue? How would his plan work? And why is he confident his plan would survive a court challenge from the federal government?
More Proof Stimulus Failed
Texas Rep. Pete Olson says the latest jobless numbers are further proof that President Obama’s economic agenda has not worked. Olson also explains why he voted against the Democratic jobs bill in the House this week, what his plan for job creation would be and how the jobs debate is impacting this year’s midterm elections.
No Reason to Cheer Job Numbers
The Labor Department reports 36,000 additional job losses in February while the overall unemployment rate stands at 9.7 percent. Are we still in the economic dumps or is this a sign we are stabilizing and about to grow? What is the unemployment rate when factoring in those who have stopped looking? Why does the current GDP growth suggest the job numbers should be much better? We ask Diana Furchgott-Roth, former chief economist at the Department of Labor.
‘A Horrible Precedent’
Maryland Del. Donald Dwyer is launching an effort to impeach state attorney general Doug Gansler after Gansler unilaterally overturned Maryland law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Gansler now says Maryland will recognize gay marriages performed elsewhere. So what precedent does this set? What is Dwyer’s plan? How are Democrats protecting Gansler and thwarting Dwyer at every turn? We ask Del. Dwyer.
Glory Paranoia
The Capitol Steps take comedic aim at the town hall and Tea Party protesters and their impact on the health care debate.
The Reconciliation Distraction
With so many people worried about what might get passed through the Senate via reconciliation, Phil Kerpen of Americans for Prosperity says the real fight has nothing to do with that parliamentary tactic. Why is an up-or-down vote in the House the real event that will determine the fate of our health care system? Why would pro-life Democrats be wise not to believe promises their concerns will be dealt with after the House vote? And are we seeing more backroom deals in an effort to win votes?
The News
Levin leapfrogs Stark to become Ways & Means chairman, Rep. Brady says Obama ‘almost obsessed’ with passing big government health plan despite public rejection, abortion fight could still doom Obamacare in House, Bunning explains his fight for fiscal discipline, another scandal strikes NY Dems.