Texas Rep. Kevin Brady says Democrats don’t have the votes to pass the Senate health plan right now, or they would have passed it already. Brady says President Obama doesn’t understand the reasons the GOP and the public are rejecting his plan and will try to twist as many Democratic arms as possible to finish this debate. Brady also offer his thoughts on Rep. Charlie Rangel’s decision to step down as chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee and on the shuffle to replace Rangel. Brady also explains who has really been running the committee and why that concerns him greatly.
‘Simple Math’ Dooms Obamacare
John Gizzi says despite a final push from President Obama, the Democratic health plan will die in the House of Representatives. He says the abortion language and other flaws will doom the bill. Gizzi also discusses the chaos at the top of the House Ways & Means Committee, and the scandals surrounding two New York Democrats besides Charlie Rangel.
Another Scandal for NY Dems?
While New York Gov. David Paterson watches his grip on power crumble and Rep. Charlie Rangel is forced to step down as Ways & Means Committee chairman over multiple ethics issues, freshman Rep. Eric Massa is also calling it quits. Massa says he has suffered a recurrence of cancer, but a male staffer has alleged that the congressman made unwanted advances toward him. So what do we know for sure? What happens now? And which party – if either – has the ethical high ground in Congress? We talk about it with Susan Ferrechio, Chief Congressional Correspondent for The Washington Examiner.
The Devastation is Immense
Michael Black of World Vision joins us from the Chilean capital of Santiago. How does he describe the damage from Saturday’s massive earthquake? How many people are displaced and in need of the very basics? What is World Vision doing to meet the needs of those impacted by this disaster? And how can you help the relief effort?
Stark Raving Mad
On Thursday, House Democrats chose Michigan Rep. Sander Levin as the new chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee. In doing so, they passed over the man next in line – California Rep. Pete Stark. So what cost Stark the chair? A career of boorish, belligerent behavior. Learn all about it here.
The News
President Obama says the time for debating health care is over and it’s time for Congress to approve his plan on an up or down vote, analysts explain why Obama’s talking points are proven wrong by the facts, Rep. Charlie Rangel steps down as Ways & Means chairman, Lieberman pushes repeal on ban of gays in the military.
Facts Trump Obama Rhetoric
As President Obama makes a final push for his version of health care reform, Galen Institute President Grace-Marie Turner says Obama has a problem with the facts. Turner says every independent study shows Americans will not be guaranteed their same health plan and doctor…and many will certainly lose their current coverage. She also says the president misstates the Republican objections and the push to start the reform effort all over.
The Politics of Charlie Rangel
Wednesday morning, House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel announced he would be temporarily stepping down as leader of the panel. What changed since last week, when Nancy Pelosi and Rangel downplayed the allegations. We talk with Texas Rep. John Carter, who has led the GOP effort to strip Rangel of his role as chairman. Why did Carter take the lead in this effort? Was this a move based on principle or politics? And why does Carter worry that stories like this sully all members of Congress in the eyes of the public?
The Politics of Charlie Rangel
Wednesday morning, House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel announced he would be temporarily stepping down as leader of the panel. What changed since last week, when Nancy Pelosi and Rangel downplayed the allegations. We talk with Texas Rep. John Carter, who has led the GOP effort to strip Rangel of his role as chairman. Why did Carter take the lead in this effort? Was this a move based on principle or politics? And why does Carter worry that stories like this sully all members of Congress in the eyes of the public?
Obama’s Land Grab
South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint discusses the revelation that Obama administration is planning to take another 10 million acres of western lands under federal control. Why does Demint believe this move will cost us jobs, hurt energy independence and result in lower revenues for the federal and state governments? And what reason did Senate Democrats give for opposing DeMint’s effort to block Obama’s agenda?