David John of the Heritage Foundation says Ben Bernanke has been far from perfect as Fed chairman but is far better for the free market than any other possible Obama choice. Mr. John also says Obama’s proposed banking reforms are ‘silly’ and don’t stand up to scrutiny. He also offers his prescription for improving the financial sector.
Obama Still Doesn’t Get It
Iowa Rep. Steve King says President Obama has not learned the lessons of the Massachusetts Senate race. Kings says Americans don’t like big government, especially when it comes to ‘nationalizing our bodies’ in the current health care plan. He also says Obama’s efforts to change the subject to banking reforms are hollow and will hurt job creation. He also discusses last week’s March for Life and his ongoing efforts to let voters in Washington, DC, determine the definition of marriage in the nation’s capital.
Don’t Count Out Obama Yet
Larry Sabato, professor of political science at the University of Virginia, says Democrats are on the ropes after the GOP win in Massachusetts. He also says Republicans could pick up as many as seven Senate seats. But Sabato says anyone who thinks Obama is down and out doesn’t know much about electoral history. He says Obama needs to balance reality with optimism in his State of the Union message.
Is Security Really First?
South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint says he has to wonder how high national security is on President Obama’s priority list when his biggest desire in a TSA nominee was someone who would allow TSA workers to unionize. DeMint says the GOP win in Massachusetts shows voters are unhappy with Democrats but Republicans need to make sure they offer promises they will keep and are approved by the public. He says health care legislation is on the rocks and the best path is for Democrats to work with Republicans.
Youth Invigorate Pro-Life Effort
Bill Wirkus is a student at the Ave Maria School of Law in Florida and is organizing his school’s participation in Friday’s annual March for Life. Wirkus explains why he comes every year, what message the protesters are trying to spread, what they’ve already accomplished in recent months and why young people are flocking to the pro-life movement.
‘We’re on the Side of Science’
Dr. Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life, joins us from the March for Life on the Washington Mall. What is the atmosphere on the Mall? Which activists have the most compelling stories? Why are young people surging to the pro-life side? Yoest also explains why she thinks the pro-life movement is at a high watermark and why science increasingly supports the pro-life cause.
Obamacare Is Dead
John Gizzi of Human Events says Scott Brown won in Massachusetts because of voter frustration with Washington and an out-of-touch Democratic opponent. He also says the GOP win means Obamacare is dead, regardless of the last-ditch efforts Democrats may try. Gizzi also discusses the significance of the Supreme Court decision on campaign financing and John Edwards finally admitting he is the father of his former mistress’ child.
The News
Speaker Nancy Pelosi says House Democrats don’t have the votes to pass the Senate health bill, incoming Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown says states should make their own call on health reforms, President Obama tries to rein in ‘reckless’ banks, Supreme Court allows corporations to be players in political campaigns.
Campaign Finance Shakeup
On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that restrictions on corporations in campaign advertising and advocacy violated first amendment rights to free speech. What sparked this case before the court? How big is this decision? Why did the dissenting justices say this undermines American self-government? And how much of a difference will we notice in ads during this year’s election season? We ask the man who won at the high court today – Citizens United President David Bossie.
Panic on Health, Demonizing Banks
Texas Rep. Kevin Brady says voters have made it clear they don’t want the Democratic version of health reform. He explains how Democrats may try to pass a much smaller bill through reconciliation and why the two parties could find some common ground if the GOP were just allowed at the table. Brady also slams President Obama’s targeting of the banks for national scorn. Why does he think Obama is off base and what will be the real impact of his new policies?