Some good news amidst the horror in Haiti, Bush and Clinton discuss the challenges of getting relief to the people, Obama stumps for Coakley, Brown leads senate race, Obama observes MLK Day.
Rejection of the Democratic Agenda
Republican pollster and strategist David Johnson says even a narrow Democratic win in the Massachusetts Senate race is proof that America is rejecting the Democratic agenda. He says this race is proof that Democrats are in trouble everywhere this year. He says we could see an avalanche of retirements if the GOP wins on Tuesday, and moderate Democrats may abandon the Obama agenda. He also says Obama’s political capital is gone if Scott Brown wins.
Ft. Hood and Radical Islam
Texas Rep. John Carter wants to know why the Pentagon’s report on November’s attack at Ft. Hood makes no mention of radical Islam and how it clearly motivated the heinous actions of Maj. Nidal Hassan. Carter says the obvious desire to avoid offending someone is harming our national security. He says political correctness has to go.
‘The Coalition of the Bribed’
Louisiana Rep. Bill Cassidy (also a practicing physician) blasts the latest backroom special interest deal in the health care debate – exempting union members from huge taxes aimed at the priciest health care plans. He says Democrats are far more interested in a political win than in doing what is best for the country and the American people are fed up with the majority ignoring their wishes.
The News
Big labor gets the latest sweetheart deal in the health care debate, Dems hope to reach compromise within days, Coakley shocks Catholics with abortion comments in Senate race, Gates details Ft. Hood report, Obama promises sustained aid to Haiti.
Coakley vs. Conscience
On Friday, we learned that Massachusetts Attorney General and Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley does not believe medical professionals who oppose abortion belong in an emergency room. She says the separation of church and state overrides any moral or religious objection doctors might have to killing the unborn. We get reaction from Dr. Donna Harrison, president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Big Labor’s Big Gift
Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute explains why Congressional Democrats are once again guilty of the worst kind of raw politics – imposing huge excise taxes on ‘Cadillac’ health plans but not imposing the burden on organized labor. Guess who pays the tab?
Coakley’s Apparent Collapse
Massachusetts Democrats are in full-blown panic mode now that Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown leads Democrat Martha Coakley. What’s behind the GOP surge? What’s wrong with the Coakley campaign? And how are the national figures impacting the race? We ask Washington Examiner Chief Congressional Correspondent Susan Ferrechio.
U.S. Military Heads to Haiti
Retired U.S. Air Force General Tom McInerney discusses how U.S. troops are shifting gears to aid earthquake victims in Haiti. McInerney shares his experience leading the Exxon Valdez cleanup and the Hurricane Andrew recovery and discusses what work U.S. troops will be doing to facilitate the delivery of desperately needed relief supplies. McInerney also explains how our forces face a greater challenge with Haiti’s government literally lying in ruins and what tasks the troops should not be forced to do.
The News
President Obama announces relief efforts are already underway in Haiti, and he promises more help until the crisis is over. Obama also slams banks again over financial crisis and slaps them with a fee designed to retrieve taxpayer bailout money. New Jersey Rep. Scott Garrett says Obama just likes to raise taxes – even on banks that have already paid back the money.