President Obama says he will impose fees on America’s banks until the government has recouped every dime of taxpayer money spent to shore up the financial sector. New Jersey Rep. Scott Garrett says there’s just one problem with that. Obama will be imposing these taxes on firms that have already paid back their debts – with interest. He discusses what’s really happening here and reacts to Obama’s contention that the banks and Republicans are trying to go back to business as usual.
GOP Win Will Kill Obamacare
John Gizzi of Human Events offers his thoughts on the devastation in Haiti and how this could be the start of a better government there. Gizzi also explains why he believes Republicans will win the Senate race in Massachusetts – and how that will end up killing Obamacare. Gizzi also says the Harry Reid controversy is just one more reason why the majority leader will lose in November.
Obama’s Fuzzy Jobs Math
Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston discusses President Obama’s claim that the stimulus plan has “funded” two million jobs. But did you know the White House counts every job at every company that receives any stimulus money as being “funded”? What is Kingston’s view on what the stimulus has accomplished? And does he see passage of the health care bill as inevitable? What could stop it?
The News
A 7.0-magnitude earthquake has devastated Haiti. Thousands are feared dead and hospitals, schools and government buildings are in ruins. President Obama promises robust, immediate and prolonged aid.
Relief Group Rushes to Haiti
John Freyler of the Christian relief organization Samaritan’s Purse says the group already has relief workers on the way to Haiti. What are the immediate needs? How does his group coordinate with other agencies to maximize the effort? How do relief workers reach out to people who have lost everything? And how can you donate to the relief effort?
Forcing Sunshine in Health Debate
Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan is leading an effort to force Congressional Democrats to open all remaining health care deliberations to the public. How are they planning to do that? Are many Democrats supportive of this effort? Why are Democratic leaders opposed to this transparency? And what do the many seniors in his Tampa-area district think about the health plan? We ask Rep. Buchanan.
The Science of the Haiti Quake
A magnitude 7.0 earthquake ravaged Haiti Tuesday night. Millions of people are impacted and thousands may be dead. It’s the most severe quake in that area since the 18th century. So how devastating was this quake? Was it expected after all these years or is it a major shock? How deep was it? What kind of aftershocks are we seeing? How much seismic activity really goes on in North America?
Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill
Planned Parenthood is about the break ground in Houston on the world’s largest abortion clinic – 78,000 square feet and an entire floor devoted to late-term abortions. So what message is being sent with the size of this clinic? Why dirty secret of Planned Parenthood is exposed by this clinic being built in a poor section of the city? What type of protests are emerging to bring attention to what critics are calling ‘a modern-day death chamber’. We talk with Ann Hettinger, Texas state director for Concerned Women for America.
The News
Some senators from both sides break from the party line on Harry Reid’s race comments, John McCain refuses to focus on 2008 gossip, Senate races heat up in Massachusetts and North Dakota, Joe Biden eulogizes his mother.
Independents Abandoning Obama
Just one year after independent voters played a huge role in sweeping Barack Obama into office, many of them seem to be experiencing buyer’s remorse. According to a new poll from Investor’s Business Daily, Obama’s approval rating is hovering just above 50 percent. Far worse for the president is how voters – and especially independents – disapprove of Obama’s health care agenda and feel less secure than they did when George W. Bush left office. We get the numbers from IBD associate editor Terry Jones.