Brett Winterble of Radio America and National Review’s Jim Geraghty discuss Pelosi’s advisory for democrats to stay home rather than go to convention. Obama’s economic team is full of CEO’s who’s companies are outsourcing jobs and losing employees. And in a new video, James O’Keefe exposes another liberal group willing to support the collection of government money for a fabricated green job business that specializes in digging and filling in holes.
Three Martini Lunch 7/16/12
Radio America’s Brett Winterble and National Review’s Jim Geraghty discuss Obama’s comments on crediting teachers for your success, the Treasury Department’s secret escapades and Hilary Clinton’s poor treatment in Egypt.
Three Martini Lunch 6/20/12
Greg Corombos of Radio America and Dan Foster of National Review discuss President Obama invoking executive privilege on the Fast and Furious documents. They also discuss the possible political upside for the GOP thanks to the raw politics of Obama and Holder. And they elaborate on the extreme distortion of a Mitt Romney speech by MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.
Three Martini Lunch 6/12/12
Greg Corombos of Radio America and Jim Geraghty of National Review discuss Florida’s fight against the Justice Department to remove dead people from the state’s voter rolls. They talk about three more pieces of evidence showing our economy is hurting. Also, they examine the President’s reason for not personally campaigning for the Wisconsin recall.
Three Martini Lunch 6/11/12
Greg Corombos of Radio America and Jim Geraghty of National Review enjoy the Obama campaign’s damage control efforts in the wake of the president’s comments on the private sector. They are also concerned where Ron Paul support is going to go after Rand Paul has been slammed for his endorsement of Mitt Romney. They also laugh at the update of ‘Obamagirl’ and her hesitation to endorse Obama again this year.
The News Part 1
We have the biggest moments from Tuesday night’s debate. What did McCain and Obama say about the current financial crisis? What new idea does McCain have for helping struggling homeowners? And how do they differ on energy policy? We have the top news from Wednesday, October 8, 2008.
The News Part 2
More of the day’s biggest headlines…how are Obama and McCain different when it comes to health care reform? What significant action did the Fed take on Wednesday to help ease the financial crisis? And what is Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson saying about where we stand in this crisis? We have all the answers. Listen here!
Reviewing the Debate
What did John McCain and Barack Obama need to accomplish in their second debate Tuesday night? Did they achieve their goals? Can McCain turn the financial crisis to his advantage? Should he have mentioned Obama’s disreputable friends or will that likely backfire? We ask Dr. Larry Sabato, Professor of Political Science at the University of Virginia.
McCain vs. Obama on Health Care
John McCain and Barack Obama slugged it out over health care reform on Tuesday night, but which one has a better plan? Is McCain on the right track by pushing $5000 tax credits so families can buy coverage? What exactly is Obama’s plan and does it equal government-run care? And does either candidate have a real plan to reform Medicare? That’s what we ask health care expert Grace-Marie Turner, President of the Galen Institute
Obama vs. McCain on Energy
Barack Obama and John McCain battled over many issues on Tuesday night, including their very different priorities in bringing about energy reform. So which one has a better, more realistic plan? What could Obama’s $150 billion develop in 10 years? Would bridging the gap with more offshore drilling and nuclear power be a better strategy as McCain suggests? That what we ask Max Schulz, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.