While Barack Obama and John McCain still have two debates ahead of them, tonight is the one and only face-to-face encounter between vice presidential nominees Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. So who faces more pressure? How will they address the ongoing financial crisis? Will the candidates go after each other or the presidential nominees? And what is the impact of Gwen Ifill staying on as the moderator? We ask David Lightman, White House Correspondent for the Washington Bureau of McClatchy News.
The News Part 1
The day’s biggest stories…what message is President Bush sending just before the bailout vote in the U.S. Senate? What changes have been made to the bill? Why are all congressional leaders from both parties urging immediate passage of the new plan? We discuss all of these stories during the top news for Wednesday, October 1, 2008.
The News Part 2
Why are the vast majority of senators supporting the revised bailout plan? Why are many conservatives demanding that Gwen Ifill of PBS be removed as moderator of Thursday’s vice presidential debate? And why do the latest polls have the Obama campaign smiling? Listen here for all the details.
Should Gwen Ifill Be Removed as Moderator?
Conservatives are demanding a new moderator for Thursday’s vice presidential debate after learning moderator Gwen Ifill of PBS has a new book set to hit stores on inauguration day that lavishly praises Barack Obama. But John McCain says he’s fine with Ifill running the show. But is this fair and how should Sarah Palin approach her big moment Thursday night against Democrat Joe Biden? We ask Dr. Janice Crouse of the Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee.
The Bush Administration and the Bailout
After a stinging defeat over the $700 billion bailout plan in the House of Representatives on Monday, how confident is the Bush administration that the revised version will pass both chambers? Do the president and his advisers like the changes or just accept them as a necessary addition to gain passage? What is the price of doing nothing? And what is the White House reaction to the public disapproval of a bailout? We ask Keith Hennessey, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council.
Democrats and the Bailout
Over 90 House Democrats voted against the $700 billion bailout plan that was rejected by the House of Representatives on Monday. Now that the bill is being modified in order to to pacify Republicans, will the number of Democrats voting no increase? What do they like and not like about the contents? We ask Larry Haas, former spokesman for the Clinton White House Budget Office and former Communications Director to then-Vice President Al Gore.
Haas will also explain why he believes Democrats would be better stewards of the economy over the next four years, while also acknowledging Barack Obama will likely raise taxes on more Americans than he claims.
Congress Expands Energy Production By Doing Nothing
By doing absolutely nothing, Congress failed to extend an offshore drilling moratorium that had been in place for years. So how much energy production could this mean? When will it make an impact on supply and the price of energy? What else is Congress doing or not doing to impact our domestic energy production? We ask Brian Kennedy, Senior Vice President at the Institute for Energy Research.
The News Part 1
Now that the House of Representatives has given thumbs down to the bailout plan, what comes next? What is the president’s message? How about Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson? Why is one GOP member of Congress suggesting the bailout plan is reminiscent of Stalin and Mao? And how confident are congressional leaders that a successful deal will be forged soon? Listen here for the biggest news from Tuesday, September 30, 2008.
The News Part 2
What did the stock market do on Tuesday after Monday’s record point drop? What does the public think about the bailout? And how are John McCain and Barack Obama using the financial crisis to boost their White House bids? Listen here for all of the details.
Is McCain Or Obama Looking More Presidential?
Sen. John McCain suspened his campaign to forge a successful bailout bill but ultimately the bill failed. Sen. Barack Obama largely refused to get involved in the the details of the debate or even spend much time in Washington. So who came across as a better leader and more ready to become the next president? That’s what we ask longtime political analyst and strategist Carol Liebau. We also get her thoughts on Thursday’s vice presidential debate.