Over the past several days, the Obama administration and the mainstream media have demanded that Manuel Zelaya be reinstated as the rightful president of Honduras. They claim and report that Zelaya was the victim of an unjustified coup perpetrated by the Honduran military. But is any of that true? Was this really a coup? Is Zelaya the rightful leader of the country? Or was he deposed according to protocol because he thwarted the constitution and the courts in an illegitimate power grab? If the latter is true, why is Obama demanding Zelaya be put back in power? And why is he marching in lockstep with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez on this issue? We get insight on this drama from Accuracy in Media editor Cliff Kincaid.
McNamara Dies; Legacy Mixed
On Monday, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara died at age 93. Known best for his running of the Pentagon during the Vietnam War, McNamara was a polarizing figure for almost 50 years. So what is the McNamara legacy? Why did presidents Kennedy and Johnson trust him so much for so long? What did McNamara do well and what were his biggest failings? How was his version of events during the war far different than his explanation years later? How should he be remembered? We ask Dr. Mark Moyar, professor at Marine Corps University and author of “Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954-1965”. Listen and share your thoughts.
Palin’s Presidential Prospects
Prof. Larry Sabato sizes up Palin’s resignation, her 2012 chances and what she should do next. Why could this resignation hurt her – even in a Republican primary? Why will 2010 be a key factor in determining whether Republicans can field a competitive challenger to President Obama? We get answers from Prof. Sabato. Let us know what you think about Palin, her resignation and how this impacts the next campaign?
Get Ready for the Bureaucracy
What would health care look like if the public option turns into a government-run system as critics promise that it will? Dr. Larry Hunter of Americans for Prosperity says Obamacare bureaucrats will care about you as much as the IRS and DMV. Is this just a political scare tactic or a very real preview of what our system will look like if Democrats get their way?
The News
Thursday’s headlines…Dismal job numbers, major offensive in Afghanistan, Sanford gets good news.
Stimulus Is Killing Jobs
Rep. Glenn Thompson says Obama big government agenda is stifling growth, calls for tax cuts.
A Captured Soldier and A New Offensive
Retired U.S. Army Gen. Paul Vallely outlines the new mission to crush the Taliban. He also describes the peril facing a captured U.S. soldier and training our troops go through for that situation.
Energy, Coleman and Sanford
Human Events columnist John Gizzi says two GOP political careers are toast – for Mark Sanford and Norm Coleman. He also says the energy bill is about to implode in the U.S. Senate.
Arm Twisting and Fast Tracking
Arizona Rep. John Shadegg describes how Democratic leaders twisted arms and made lavish promises to members in order to cobble together enough votes to pass the energy bill. So what kinds of promises were made? How much will those promises cost taxpayers? And how much bureaucracy will be added if the energy plan becomes law? Rep. Shadegg also discusses Democratic plans to swiftly pass health care reform so it gets done before the public can mount any fierce opposition. Listen to the interview and share your opinions.
The News
Wednesday’s news…Obama wants rich to pay for health reform, California is broke, stocks up.