Retired Navy Capt. Chuck Nash explains why U.S. is optimistic as our troops pull out of Iraqi cities.
Higher Taxes, No Climate Change
The premise behind the Democratic “Cap and Trade” bill is a push toward renewable energies that will create millions of new jobs while combatting global destructive climate change. But is any of that true? Will millions of jobs be added, or will millions actually be lost because of new restrictions on industry? Why are the Republicans right when they say this plan will inevitably crank up your energy bills? And why will all of this have absolutely no impact whatsoever on the earth’s climate? We get answers from Dr. Tim Ball, former professor of climatology at the University of Winnepeg. Listen to the interview and sound off! Is Dr. Ball correct that this will be an economic horror show with no environmental benefit, or is this just a political distraction from badly needed energy reform?
Dateline Transition
After more than 14 years on the air, Dateline: Washington is moving entirely to an online news format. So what will be different and what will be the same in our news reporting? How and where can you you still listen to our news and feature interviews? And what are Greg’s reflections as the broadcast chapter of Dateline comes to a close?
The News
Friday’s news… House energy debate, Obama on Iran and Jackson, Cronkite update, Dow lower.
A Preventable Economic Disaster
Texas Rep. Michael Burgess says energy plan is a job-killing tax hike based on unproven science.
Iran, Energy and Sanford
John Gizzi of Human Events discusses Obama on energy and Iran and Mark Sanford’s great fall.
Capitol Steps Parody
DC’s top parody troupe pokes fun at North Korea’s unstable leader Kim Jong-Il.
The News
Thursday’s headlines…Energy vote nears, Bernanke under fire, Dow up, Fawcett dies and more.
The Case Against Cap and Trade
Heritage Foundation explains why Dems energy bill means more taxes, job loss and no climate change.
Who Will Win in Iran?
South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson believes protesters will succeed, also addresses Sanford scandal.