Roll Call reporter says Norm Coleman will suffer politically from his protracted, losing legal fight.
Unions Killing California Economy
GOP Rep. John Campbell says federal government is headed down same path to fiscal ruin.
Pressure Grows on Obama Appointee
The Family Research Council is stepping up its efforts to convince President Obama to remove radical homosexual activist Kevin Jennings from a key position at the Department of Education. Why is the FRC so concerned about Jennings? What is his track record in education? How early does he try to indoctrinate kids on homosexuality? What efforts are underway to get Obama to remove Jennings? Will they work? We ask FRC Senior Vice President Rob Schwarzwalder.
Listen and tell us what do you think! Is Jennings unacceptable in such a key position impacting our kids, or should the president be allowed to choose whomever he wants to fill government positions?
A Senator’s Fight Against Socialism
South Carolina Republican Jim DeMint says our nation has been on the path to socialism ever since big government was declared the solution to the Great Depression. But he believes we’re now heading in that direction faster than ever, as the private sector gets blamed for every economic ill and massive government expansion is prescribed to fix everything from the economy to the climate to our health care system. How has this slide been allowed to happen? Who is responsible? And how is the rise of socialism inextricably linked to a decline in morality and respect for our Judeo-Christian heritage? Listen to our extended interview with Sen. DeMint, author of “Saving Freedom: We Can Stop America’s Slide Into Socialism”. Let us know what you think! Are we cruising towards socialism or is this just right-wing alarmism? Sound off and make your voice heard.
The News
Thursday’s headlines… Iraqis secure their own cities, Franken wins in Minnesota, Dow drops amd more.
Court Decision Didn’t Go Far Enough
Ward Connerly says firefighters ruling was too narrow, calls NAACP criticism ‘nonsense’.
‘The Test Was Flawed’
NAACP says Supreme Court got discrimination decision wrong, sees erosion of affirmative action.
War and Politics
Florida Rep. Tom Rooney discusses the security handover in Iraq and political games with war funding. Are the Iraqis ready for this responsibility? How is that determination made? And what games is Congress playing with America’s war funding? Listen here for the answers and sound off!
“The Iraqi Army Is Ready”
Mideast expert Walid Phares says Iran and the media will have a great impact on success of Iraqi security.
‘A Permanent Badge of Inferiority’
Civil rights legend Roy Innis explains his support for Monday’s court decision on discrimination.