Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are thrilled to see Illinois Rep. Luis Gutierrez planning to leave Congress and take his toxic, divisive immigration rhetoric with him. They also slam Project Veritas for trying to plant a fake accusation against Roy Moore with the Washington Post in an attempt to discredit the Post’s earlier stories on Moore. And they they sigh as President Trump takes a political shot at Elizabeth Warren by calling her ‘Pocahontas’ while honoring Navajo Code Talkers from World War II at the White House, not because Warren doesn’t deserve criticism for her suspect claims of Cherokee heritage but for injecting politics into a a ceremony that should have been free of it.
Women to Demand Answers on Congress ‘Slush/Hush’ Fund
Accusers and activists will be in Washington on Wednesday, demanding the resignations of three members of Congress and an end to the Capitol Hill practice of secretly settling sexual harassment claims with taxpayer money.
On Wednesday, the Media Equality Project will insist upon action and answers at a 10 a.m. press conference at the National Press Club. Those expected to appear include four different accusers of former President Bill Clinton. Radio talk show host Melanie Morgan will also be there, just weeks after accusing Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., of harassing her multiple times after a television debate.
Longtime talk host Blanquita Cullum plays a leading role in organizing the press conference. She says one goal is to put the heat on Franken to resign, along with Reps. John Conyers, D-Mich., and Joe Barton, R-Texas.
Franken is accused of groping multiple women, including radio host Leann Tweeden, who also accuses Franken of forcibly kissing her. Conyers reportedly settled a sexual harassment complaint with tax payer money. Barton was in the headlines last week when nude pictures he texted to a woman he was not married to were leaked online.
“There are members we feel have dishonored their office and the American people by conduct unbecoming an elected official. As you can see, it’s not partisan. We feel that way about the left and the right. We’re out there saying it’s not the politics of the right and the left. It’s the politics of the right and the wrong,” said Cullum, who has hosted radio programs on the east coast and now hosts “The Hard Question” based in Chicago.
Perhaps even more galling to Cullum and others involved with the Media Equality Project is the idea of lawmakers secretly paying off sexual harassment victims with taxpayer dollars.
“The other thing we’re going to demand is the release of the list of the slush/hush fund that taxpayers funded to the amount of $17 million over the past 10 years, covering up their private sexual peccadilloes, fights that have involved members from both sides of the aisle and some very high-ranking chiefs of staff,” said Cullum.
“One thing the members have forgotten is who their real bosses are. We hired them. It’s our money that’s paid for it. We feel it’s the right thing for them to do to let us know what we’ve been paying for. And if it’s something bad, they need to go,” said Cullum.
In the spirit of bipartisanship, Cullum says the group has invited leaders and activists from both parties and both chambers to be part of the press conference. So far the response from lawmakers has been tepid.
“We reached out to many members of Congress to meet with us and to be there with us, some of them high-profile Republicans. They say, ‘No, no, no. We want to handle it in-house.’ In other words, even though they know that it’s wrong and they’re out there on the cameras, some of them won’t show up with us because they don’t want a target on their backs too,” said Cullum.
Cullum says sexual harassment and even assault have taken place in Washington politics for a very long time, but she she says the American people should demand better.
“You have to understand that when you raise that arm and you take that oath that you’re committed to serving. If we can’t have America on a better ethical standard, what does that say for our direction? If we let this go, if we let this pass, what does that mean for our children?” asked Cullum.
“Those people are making decisions about your life, my life and everyone’s that’s listening’s lives in the United States. And you can’t trust them because they’re going to lie to you,” she added.
Cullum also has tough words for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, who on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” said Conyers was entitled to due process before she determines whether Conyers ought to stay in office. She also claims to be unaware of any accusers despite the settlement papers and another accuser who abandoned settlement negotiations.
“She puts the ‘ick’ in politic. She should be ashamed of herself. It reminds me of the old George Orwell ‘Animal Farm.’ All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. In other words, if he’s going to help her politically, she’s going to close her eyes to this stuff,” said Cullum.
Cullum says if Pelosi keeps running interference for Conyers, her job should be on the line as well.
“If she doesn’t take that position too, she needs to go too because she’s aiding and abetting bad conduct,” said Cullum.
On Monday, Franken apologized to any women who felt mistreated during their encounters with him, but insisted the best way for him to proceed was to rebuild trust with his constituents by doing his job.
Cullum says that’s not an option.
“It’s too late. The innocence is broken there. We know who he is. He can apologize all he wants but would you really trust him from now on?” said Cullum.
Bill Clinton may not be in office but his longtime accusers, including Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey will be at the press conference. Cullum says it’s time for those victims to get the respect they deserve and did not get at all during the Clinton administration.
“Those women were victims and they were very brave to step out against a press and a machine that was ready to make them bimbos, they were going to be ‘nuts or sluts. They’re there to shine the light of what that abuse can cause,” said Cullum.
She says the Clinton accusers were vilified with the most horrible of epithets and their physical health has suffered. She says the children of some Clinton accusers use different last names to escape the stigma that the media and political operative attached to them.
Cullum does not buy the sudden media epiphany in which they suddenly realize Clinton was a predator and probably should have been forced to resign. She says the media need to apologize to the women and do a much more professional job of vetting accusations in the future.
As for the perpetrators currently serving in Washington, Cullum says she hopes the time for tolerance for such unprofessional behavior is over.
“Americans have a standard of ethics. We’re not always perfect. Everybody has something to hide. But when you’re doing the job that you asked us for and you blatantly abuse it, you need to go,” said Cullum.
Power Struggle, Pelosi’s Lame Conyers Defense, Losing Friends Over Politics
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America discuss the fight between left and right over who should head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and whether President Trump gets to make that decision and why the Constitution makes this an easy call. They also shake their heads as House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi offers a pathetic and hypocritical defense of longtime Rep. John Conyers, who reached a settlement to end a sexual harassment allegation and has also been accused by other women. And they respond to the Twitter proclamation of New York Times columnist Charles Blow that he cannot be friends with anyone who supports President Trump.
Black Friday Political Gifts
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are in the Christmas spirit as they push aside the Thanksgiving leftovers to go shopping for timely, helpful gifts for various political figures. They generously announce what beautifully wrapped presents they have for President Trump, Chief of Staff John Kelly, various members of Congress and others.
What We’re Politically Thankful For
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America look through a rough and often disturbing 2017 to find three things they’re each thankful for in politics and beyond this year. From some important accomplishments to the arrival of an important new figure in Washington to the bravery of people in different walks of life, Jim and Greg find some silver linings in our toxic political culture. Happy Thanksgiving! There will be no podcast on Thursday. Please join us again on Friday.
Kathy Griffin Says “Me Too”, SNL Staffers Defend Al Franken, Rep. John Conyers
Manson is Gone, New Accusations Against Franken, More of Same Old Hillary
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Chad Benson of Radio America reflect on the progress we have made since the Manson era. How will Democrats respond now that a second accuser has come out against Al Franken? Hillary Clinton has not made progress in her decades-old complaint about the “partisan advocacy” of Fox News.
Sexual Politics: Al Franken, Roy Moore, and Bill Clinton
Boykin Rips Army’s ‘Insanity’
The U.S. Army is rescinding its recently announced policy of allowing people with a history of mental illness to get waivers in order to serve in our military, a welcome move but one that should never have been necessary according to a former U.S. Army special forces commander.
Earlier this week, the Army announced it instituted a policy in August that allows waivers to be issued so that potential recruits could circumvent the ban on service members with a history of mental illnesses ranging from bipolar disorder to depression to self-mutilation and alcohol or drug abuse. The Army admitted the move was designed to boost sagging recruiting numbers.
On Wednesday, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley said the Army is reversing course. Milley says the policy on waivers was never actually implemented but was being debates with the Army’s leadership.
Retired U.S. Army Lt. General William “Jerry” Boykin, who spent most of his career in special forces, says the Army is making the right call after entertaining a terrible idea.
“I will take the chief of staff of the Army’s word for the fact that it was still being studied but it’s disturbing that we’re even studying this,” said Boykin, who believes the Army’s sudden shift is due more to public relations than because it believes this was a terrible idea.
“I think they were unprepared for the blowback. I’m appalled that in a world that’s so transparent today you’d think you could do something like this and that this is not going to be a major story,” said Boykin.
He says the idea of allowing people with mental illness to serve in combat arms has never been embraced even when manpower was desperately needed.
“We didn’t even do this in Vietnam,” said Boykin, who says the biggest shift in standards was allowing GED recipients to serve rather than insist upon high school graduates.
“This is as low as the Army has ever dropped in terms of a lack of focus on readiness and quality people,” said Boykin. “It’s hard to brag that we have the highest quality people that we’ve ever had in our military – which our Army does regularly – and then look at the fact that we’re bringing people in that have a history of self-mutilation.”
Boykin says combat already takes a great toll on the mental health of our soldiers and that putting people with mental health problems into the fray is a recipe for disaster.
“Combat itself is probably the most stressful thing that a human can do. It;s not just the fear associated with it but it’s the long-term effects of seeing people that you care about die and be wounded in severe ways. That marks you.
“That has an effect on an individual that is different for each individual but ultimately becomes a very emotional thing. To bring people in that are already struggling is just insanity. It makes no sense,” said Boykin.
Boykin says the very top of our military’s chain of command can and must do better.
“I’m disappointed in the leadership of our military. Also, our president needs to step in and say, ‘Stop this nonsense. We’re not going to do this. We’ll do whatever we have to do to recruit a professional Army but we’re not going to do this nonsense,” said Boykin, who adds there is no way recruiters could weed out all the people with mental health issues who might pose a threat to themselves or members of their units.
One reason the military brass did not immediately kill the waivers idea is because they wouldn’t be tasked with dealing with problem recruits or the punishments related to their conduct.
A retired senior non-commissioned officer who served in Operations Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom who prefers to remain anonymous says it’s young officers and enlisted men who would be tasked with diagnosing these issues.
“The lowest level leadership are corporals, SGTs, SSGs, SFCs, lieutenants. All guys 18-24 years old, have no inkling how to spot a potential suicide or mass shooter. They’re also the guys that the command is going to hang out to dry if something happens for being “poor leaders” and not spotting something in time,” the Army veteran said.
He also says there is no protocol for dealing with mental health issues once a person is in the service.
“The low level leadership hasn’t been trained to deal with these people. There is “suicide prevention training” which is a joke, but it’s more oriented towards a normal guy that’s had too many deployments, combat stress or family issues – it’s not tailored at all to somebody that already mentally ill,” he said.
Boykin also also appalled that at the very time when mental health problems tend to be an issue in many mass shooters, yet the Army either decided or was close to deciding to give guns to people with some of those same diagnoses.
Boykin also says this slide in standards is an ongoing symptom of the way the Obama administration treated the military.
“It is a reflection of eight years under a commander-in-chief who paid no attention whatsoever to readiness of our military. That’s why you’re having trouble recruiting,” said Boykin.
“It’s because moms and dads during those eight years, when their son or their daughter had to give up their faith for example, or had to come in a military that was being used for social experiments, people got turned off to coming into the military,” said Boykin.
He says parents will have the same reaction to the Army considering allowing to people with a history of mental illness to take up arms.
Boykin urges the military to make all decisions based on one simple criteria.
“No decision regarding our military should be made until the question has been asked, ‘How does this impact the readiness?’ Is it a positive? If it’s a positive, it’s OK to do it. Is it a negative, it’s not alright to do it. If it’s neutral, then it could go either way. In this case, you have to know that this is a negative,” said Boykin.
But what if recruitment numbers aren’t met? Boykin says there are more important things.
“I’d rather go into combat with ten good men that were reliable that I could trust than a thousand that were questionable,” he said.
Boykin says a laser focus on readiness will make the U.S. military the dominant fighting force it always ought to be.
“We can turn this around. Stop the social experiments. Change the rules of engagement, where men and women can go into combat to win and restore the military budget to where they know that they have the necessary equipment to fight the nation’s wars and be victorious,” said Boykin.
Army Wises Up, Franken Accused, Wisdom of the Pence Rule
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America breathe a sigh of relief as the U.S. Army announces it will scrap a rule that would allow waivers for people dealing with depression, bipolar disorder or self-mutilation to apply to serve. They also slam Minnesota Sen. Al Franken after one of his colleagues on a 2006 USO tour accuses Franken of a forced kiss and provides a photo of him groping her while she is asleep. And they respond bluntly to a New York Times op-ed from a Christianity Today writer who thinks the Mike Pence policy of a man never being along with a woman other than his wife is a damaging to women’s careers and is actually a “sanctified cousin” to “Weinstein-ian behavior.