Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America serve up all crazy martinis today. They slam ESPN for hitting a new politically correct low by replacing the play-by-play announcer because his name is Robert Lee, a man of Asian heritage who has no connection whatsoever to the Confederate general. They also slam both President Trump and the media for making outlandish accusations about the other in public when both sides have plenty of legitimate fodder to use. And they dismiss Valerie Plame’s billion-dollar crowdfunding effort to buy Twitter and close Trump’s account as nothing more than a quick money grab.
National Review
Trump’s Afghan Twist, Dem Donors Dry Up, Blowing Up the Confederacy
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America give President Trump credit for admitting his Afghanistan policy changes go against his instincts, and they also like some of the other changes he outlined in a policy with few good options. They also enjoy seeing the woeful fundraising totals for the DNC in July and discuss the deep dysfunction still engulfing the Democrats. And they shake their heads as a criminal in Texas is arrested for plotting to bring down a Confederate statue with explosives.
SJW Coddling Costs Mizzou, ISIS Airliner Plot, The Trump-Bannon Break-Up
Jim Geraghty of National Review is back! Today, after some sage insights on today’s solar eclipse, he and Greg Corombos of Radio America applaud alumni and parents of college-age students for ending donations and sending their children to other schools after administrators there caved into the demands of social justice warriors in 2015. They also get chills in learning just how close ISIS came to blowing up an international jetliner and have a newfound appreciation for the weight limits for luggage. And they discuss the end of Steve Bannon’s time at the White House and what he means by saying the Trump presidency he worked for is effectively over.
CNN’s ‘Copycat’ Canard, Antifa’s Illogical Anarchy, Statue Wars Escalate
David French of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America close the week with three crazy martinis. They unload on CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Jim Sciutto for speculating on air that the radical Muslim terrorist in Barcelona got the idea for a van attack from watching the events in Charlottesville. They also hammer Antifa’s argument that it engages in violence to protect nonviolence and only against white supremacists, pointing out that Antifa viciously attacks anyone it doesn’t agree with and that it is the job of police to protect nonviolence. And they sigh as liberals start calling for the removal of statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, just as their critics predicted earlier in the week.
McDaniel Makes It Clear, Bannon Goes Rogue, Kasich’s Quixotic Dream
David French of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America applaud Republican National Committee Chairman Ronna Romney McDaniel for simply stating there is no room in the Republican Party for white supremacists and that the GOP does not want their votes. They’re also surprised by Steve Bannon’s on-the-record interview with a liberal publication, in which he dismisses the military option on North Korea, outlines his push for a trade war with China and more. And they take a deep sigh as Ohio Gov. John Kasich gets closer to convincing himself there is a “moral imperative” for him to run against President Trump in 2020.
Trump’s Alt-Right Albatross, Pro-Life Texas Win, Eugenics Posing as Progress
David French of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America discuss President Trump defending some of the people attending the rally in Charlottesville, including those who were at the torch protest, and David explains why he sees Trump’s words as the dream scenario for the alt-right.. They cheer a new law in Texas that prevent insurance companies from requiring Texans to subsidize elective abortions through their own coverage. They are deeply disturbed, however, by a CBS report declaring Iceland has virtually eliminated Down Syndrome through abortion.
Kim Backs Down, Solving A Monumental Problem, ESPN’s Pathetic Politics
David French of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are glad to see Kim Jong-Un has publicly back down from his threats to fire missiles towards Guam and discuss whether some new blunt talk from Defense Secretary James Mattis made the decision an easy one. David rejects the push by the left and some on the right to move or remove Confederate memorials and statues and instead proposes more memorials to honor Union, slave, and free black figures from the war to provide more context. And they roll their eyes as an ESPN commentator says he hopes a positive outcome from Charlottesville will be Colin Kaepernick getting a job in the NFL again.
Trump’s Troubling Response, The ‘But Obama’ Defense, Media Misdirection
David French of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America address the horrific violence in Charlottesville over the weekend. David and Greg criticize President Trump’s failure to condemn the specific white supremacist and Neo-Nazi groups that led the marches and the connection of the man who committed the vehicular homicide– particularly when the president has a history of getting specific with other targets. They also groan as far too many on the right deflect from President Trump’s stumbles by pointing out egregious mistakes President Obama made along similar lines – mistakes the same people roundly condemned. And they ridicule the news media for grossly manipulating terrorism statistics to suggests right-wingers kill more Americans than Islamic radicals and for relying on the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center to decide who is a right-wing extremist.
Trump’s Tough Talk, Post Loves Anarchists, Jeffrey Lord’s Odd Exit
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America discuss the media hand-wringing over President Trump’s words towards North Korea and point out why Trump’s rhetoric is serving an important purpose. They also throw their hands up as The Washington Post offers a glowing profile of D.C.-based anarchists and how all their rioting and property destruction is all for some greater good. And Jim and Greg speculate about how a conservative group would be treated by the media if it behaved similarly. Finally, Jim goes after CNN for their dishonesty in firing Jeffery Lord over a Twitter battle: “Just come out and say it — we’re tired of Jeffery Lord!”
Guam Stays Calm, Kim’s Dangerous Dance, Pointless Poll & Ridiculous Response
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America applaud Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo for pointing out that nuclear threats from North Korea are no big news for the tiny island, and that Americans there should go about their business as they would on any other day. However, Jim and Greg still have some reservations about the idea of North Korea firing missiles designed to land just 20 miles off Guam’s shores. And they throw up their hands in reaction to a new survey showing that more than half of Republicans would support postponing the 2020 elections if President Trump wanted to assure that only eligible voters took part. They are exasperated both at the response and for pollsters asking a worthless hypothetical question in the first place.