David French of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America welcome the news that special counsel Robert Mueller is looking at possible criminal activity by the Podesta Group, which not only shows Mueller is looking at activities on the left but also highlights the fact Russia and the Soviet Union have meddled in U.S. politics for decades. They also discuss the latest reports of former Fox News allegedly shelling out $32 million to settle a lawsuit from a former Fox contributor who alleged a “non-consensual sexual relationship” with Bill O’Reilly, and David concluding the political right should treat O’Reilly as a pariah akin to Harvey Weinstein. And they roll their eyes as CNN unveils its new “Facts First” campaign by showing an apple and saying that some people – clearly referring to President Trump – insist the apple is a banana. They explain why CNN’s does not have the moral high ground in this debate.
National Review
Kelly’s Critical Message, Revolting ‘Rock Star,’ Left Suddenly Respects Bush 43
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America applaud White House Chief of Staff John Kelly for painfully explaining to reporters and the public what the family of a fallen service member goes through and why he was stunned at Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson going public with her condemnation of President Trump’s phone call with the grieving widow of a slain soldier. They also vent their disgust as Wilson reacts to Kelly’s criticism by claiming she is stunned at all the attention she is getting from the White House and planning to tell her children she’s now “a rock star.” And they roll their eyes as many liberal writers and commentators claim they’ve always thought George W. Bush was a decent guy in the wake of his speech that many see as a rebuke of Trump. Jim reminds lefties of how they compared Bush to Hitler on a regular basis and accused him knowing about the 9/11 terrorist attacks ahead of time.
Sunlight for New Russia Scandal, Unmasking Mess Gets Worse, ‘Fake Melania’
As they celebrate seven years of the Three Martini Lunch, Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America also applaud Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley for requesting testimony from the FBI informant behind the explosive reports of Russians engaging in bribes, kickbacks, and Clinton Foundation donations in order to get Hillary Clinton’s help in steering 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia. They also wonder just how deep the unmasking scandal goes, as former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power says she had nothing to do with the vast majority of the 260 unmasking requests done in her name. And they have fun with the absurd but viral contention among liberals on social media that someone else was pretending to be First Lady Melania Trump during a recent appearance with the president.
Gillespie Gains, Alabama Dead Heat, Pathetic Plan to Make Hillary President
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America note Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie grabbing a small lead in one poll and greatly closing the gap in others as his tough stance on gang violence resonates with voters. They’re also stunned to see Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones knotted at 42-42 in a new poll of the special election to fill a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama. And they suggest an intervention may be needed after Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig unveils his ludicrous five-point plan to make Hillary Clinton president in the near future.
Bergdahl Pleads Guilty, Iraq Devolves Again, Newsweek’s Hate
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America react to Bowe Bergdahl pleading guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, glad that justice is being done and not being swept under the rug in the case of the soldier who left his unit in Afghanistan and was returned by the Obama administration in exchange for five top level Taliban detainees. They also groan as Iraqi forces are now fighting with the Kurds over territory in northern Iraq when they’re supposed to be finishing off ISIS. And they unload on Newsweek for it’s reckless reporting, including such gems as interviewing pedophile and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about politics and declaring the Family Research Council a hate group.
Trump Decertifies Iran Deal, Health of GOP Senators, Media’s Giant Blind Spot
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America welcome President Trump’s refusal to certify that Iran is honoring its part of the 2015 nuclear deal but wonder whether the deal will eventually be scrapped or be allowed to stick around. They also approach the delicate issue of aging Republicans missing considerable time in the U.S. Senate and when the right time is to decide another term is not a good idea. And they shake their heads as Chuck Todd of MSNBC rightly castigates the rise of activism cloaked as journalism but cannot see or admit that’s what his employer does on a daily basis.
NFL Waving White Flag? Twitter vs. Free Speech, Hannity vs. Sasse
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are glad to see the NFL concluding that the national anthem protests need to move to an actual effort to improve community-police relations and that the players ought to stand. They also slam Twitter for the second time this week, this time for suspending the Twitter account of actress Rose McGowan, who was assaulted by Harvey Weinstein and has called out actor Ben Affleck for not admitting he knew of Weinstein’s past. And they shake their heads as Fox News host Sean Hannity hammers Sen. Ben Sasse for being critical of President Trump’s call for licenses of media outlets to be challenged over “fake news.”
GOP Plays Hardball on Judges, Trump & Free Press, NBC Spiked Weinstein Story
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America applaud Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for squashing the “blue slip” system and expediting the confirmation of judicial appointments. Even though they’re pretty sure President Trump is joking about pulling network licenses in response to “fake news,” they explain why a president should never be threatening the existence of a media outlet over their content. And they cheer Ronan Farrow for his impressive reporting on the extent of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assaults and harassment, while also blasting NBC for its lame explanation for refusing to run the story months ago.
Clinton & Obama Silence, Twitter Censors GOP Video, NFL Madness Gets Worse
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America give credit to the mainstream media for calling Democrats to account for their silence over the sexual assault and harassment allegations lodged against Hollywood mogul and prolific Democratic Party donor Harvey Weinstein. They also fire back at Twitter after the social media service censors a video from Tennessee GOP Senate hopeful Marsha Blackburn because her efforts to stop the sale of aborted baby body parts were considered inflammatory and likely to elicit negative reactions. And Jim and Greg sigh as the latest NFL protest chaos includes ESPN host Jemele Hill getting suspended for encouraging Dallas Cowboy fans to boycott team sponsors, Al Sharpton vowing to boycott the NFL unless Hill is reinstated, and President Trump gloating over the Hill suspension.
Libs & Columbus, Cali’s Crazy Sexual Politics, Pence’s Protest & Trump Uncorked
David French of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America start the week with a whole menu of crazy martinis. They rip CNN and other social justice types for declaring President Trump’s Columbus Day statement insufficient because he didn’t mention the suffering that the explorers inflicted upon the indigenous people who were already adept at slaughtering each other. They’re also staggered as California enacts one law to criminalize the use of pronouns that conflict with a person’s stated gender identity and another law that no longer makes it a felony to expose a partner to HIV without telling them. And they react to Vice President Pence leaving Sunday’s Colts-49’ers game after some 49’ers knelt during the national anthem and President Trump’s tweetstorm against Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker.