Join Jim and Greg as they cheer Mike Pence for a solid debate and putting Kamala Harris on defense over court packing, the economy, the Green New Deal, fracking and more. They also discuss how Harris once again showed she is overrated as a debater and how the media tried to change the discussion after the debate to how Harris was somehow at a disadvantage because she’s a woman. And they serve up a double shot of crazy as the Commission on Presidential Debates announces next week’s debate will be virtual and President Trump immediately rejects the idea.
Dissecting the Debate
Listen to “Dissecting the Debate” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they dig into what we witnessed in the first presidential debate on Tuesday. They discuss the constant crosstalk and why Trump would have been smarter to let Biden tangle himself in his own incomprehensible rhetoric. They also detail how both candidates handled the urban violence issue and Biden’s insistence on refusing to have an opinion on adding justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Fight Night in Cleveland, Election Incompetence, Harris & Court Packing
Listen to “Fight Night in Cleveland, Election Incompetence, Harris & Court Packing” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they mix serious and lighthearted analysis of Tuesday’s first presidential debate. They also hammer election officials around the country for consistently making easily avoidable mistakes with absentee ballots that will only fuel mistrust in the process. And they slam Kamala Harris for dodging whether she and Biden would embrace court packing, and her response is even more pathetic than Biden’s.
Debate Disarray, Very Pricey Debate Tickets, Bernie Targets Warren
Listen to “Debate Disarray, Very Pricey Debate Tickets, Bernie Targets Warren” on Spreaker.
Pull up a stool! There’s lots to discuss following Tuesday’s poorly run debate in South Carolina. First, Jim and Greg discuss how CBS allowed the debate to descend into an incoherent mess with multiple candidates talking over one another on multiple occasions, but they also highlight Elizabeth Warren’s latest howitzer aimed at Mike Bloomberg, Joe Biden’s latest statistical fiction, and Pete Buttigieg’s attempt to claim the anti-socialist high ground. In addition, they slam the Charleston Democratic Party for charging outrageous prices for tickets to the debate. And they analyze Sanders’ decision to leave South Carolina early in order to campaign for two days in Elizabeth Warren’s home state of Massachusetts, which votes on Super Tuesday.
Weinstein Headed to Prison, Coronavirus Chaos, Fight Night in Carolina
Listen to “Weinstein Headed to Prison, Coronavirus Chaos, Fight Night in Carolina” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they tackle a wide variety of martinis today. First, they are gratified to see a sexual predator like Harvey Weinstein headed to prison for rape and sexual assault although they’re disappointed to see him acquitted on the most serious charges. They also cringe as the spread of coronavirus in South Korea, China, and Italy send global markets sharply lower. And they shake their heads as they walk through all the massive tax hikes Bernie Sanders wants to inflict in order to pay for has laundry list of new entitlement programs. And they preview what should be a feisty debate among the Democrats in South Carolina tonight.
Dem Debate Brawl, Economic Satisfaction Soars, Should Billionaires Exist?
Listen to “Dem Debate Brawl, Economic Satisfaction Soars, Should Billionaires Exist?” on Spreaker.
The Democrats debated in Las Vegas last night and they put on quite the show. Join Jim and Greg as they walk through the major dust-ups between Bloomberg and Warren, Bloomberg and Sanders, and Klobuchar and Buttigieg and try to figure out what the impact will be on the race for the nomination. They’re also thrilled to see a new poll from Gallup showing Americans with the highest satisfaction in the state of the U.S. since 2005 and lopsided numbers of citizens optimistic about the economy and where it is headed. And they go back to the debate to focus on NBC’s Chuck Todd asking Michael Bloomberg whether billionaires should exist.
Biden’s Bogus Argument, CNN vs. Bernie, ‘Bern’ Down Milwaukee?
Listen to “Biden’s Bogus Argument, CNN vs. Bernie, ‘Bern’ Down Milwaukee?” on Spreaker.
Pull up a stool for another busy day on the Three Martini Lunch. Join Jim and Greg as they call out Joe Biden for falsely insisting the Obama-Biden administration never used military action apart from congressional authorization. They also hammer CNN for blatantly siding with Elizabeth Warren in her accusation that Bernie Sanders told her a woman could not get elected president – a charge Sanders strongly denies. And they unload on the radical Bernie Sanders campaign field organizer caught on tape threatening to burn down Milwaukee and other cities if Sanders does not win the Democratic nomination at the convention this summer.
Liz vs. Bernie, Warren’s Proposed Power Grab, Debates & Diversity
Listen to “Liz vs. Bernie, Warren’s Proposed Power Grab, Debates & Diversity” on Spreaker.
Who knew you could have so much fun talking about Elizabeth Warren? Join Jim and Greg as they wade into Warren’s accusation that Bernie Sanders told her two years ago that a woman couldn’t get elected president. They also shake their heads as Warren promises to cancel a lot of student loan debt on her first day in office without ever involving Congress. And they preview tonight’s final Democratic debate before the voting in Iowa and address the liberal concerns that there isn’t enough diversity on stage.
Trump’s Improving Polls, Biden’s Bungled Words, Patrick’s Empty Event
Listen to “Trump’s Improving Polls, Biden’s Bungled Words, Patrick’s Empty Event” on Spreaker.
It’s all electoral politics for your Thursday martinis! Today, Jim and Greg discuss President Trump doing much better in Wisconsin than he was just a month ago and offer ideas for why those numbers are changing. We also discuss the latest Democratic presidential debate and take a closer look at Joe Biden’s difficulty at clearly expressing himself in many responses. And we note that new 2020 Democratic hopeful Deval Patrick is off to a bit of a rough start in drawing support.
Chafee the Libertarian, DNC Demands Media Purity, South Dakota On Meth
Listen to “Chafee the Libertarian, DNC Demands Media Purity, South Dakota On Meth” on Spreaker.
Nothing but crazy martinis today! First, Jim and Greg react to news that former Republican, Democrat, and independent Lincoln Chafee is now a Libertarian and thinking about running for president with his new party in 2020. They also slam the Democratic National Committee for recoiling at the idea of Politico’s Tim Alberta asking questions at the December presidential debate because he spent a year writing for National Review. And they examine South Dakota’s attention-grabbing drug prevention campaign entitled, “Meth. I’m On It.”