Listen to “Cheatle Resigns, Kamala Uncontested, Dems Ghost Netanyahu” on Spreaker.
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by GregC
Listen to “Cheatle Resigns, Kamala Uncontested, Dems Ghost Netanyahu” on Spreaker.
by GregC
Listen to “Barr’s New Warning, Trump Pardons Blago, Elites to the Rescue” on Spreaker.
Threats of resignation, controversial pardons, libs wanting the elite to have more power in choosing presidents – we’ve got a full menu for you on Wednesday’s Three Martini Lunch. Join Jim and Greg as they welcome Attorney General Bill Barr’s latest plea for President Trump to stop making his job so difficult. They also bang their heads against the table as Trump commutes the sentence of a thoroughly unrepentant Rod Blagojevich. And they hammer away at a Washington Post opinion piece arguing that the Democratic primary process is not working well so the proper answer is to give more power to elites to reach a consensus on a nominee.
by GregC
Listen to “Thai Cave Rescues, Media SCOTUS Scramble, Hillary 2020?” on Spreaker.
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America herald the divers successfully rescuing the young Thai soccer players trapped in the cave and pray everyone else can be brought to safety tomorrow. Greg rolls his eyes at reports that Hillary Clinton may be planning a 2020 presidential bid but Jim explains how a crowded field and the notion that history robbed her in 2016 could propel her to the nomination. And they get a kick out of the media pumping out conflicting reports about which of the final four Supreme Court possibilities will be chosen by President Trump today.