Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are still shaking their heads over the political chaos in Virginia, but they are happy to see a weakened Gov. Ralph Northam give Republicans most of what they want on tax relief. They also point out some of the most insane provisions included in the Green New Deal, proving how out of touch the socialists in the Democratic Party really are. And they shudder as former KKK official David Duke endorses Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for president because he thinks Gabbard is least likely to send troops to die on behalf of Israel in the Middle East. Gabbard has denounced Duke and rejected the endorsement.
National Review
Scott’s Secret, Minnesota Mean? What Next in Virginia?
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Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America discuss the news that Virginia Democratic Rep. Bobby Scott knew about the allegation against now-Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax before Fairfax took office. They also react to former staffers unloading on 2020 Democratic hopeful and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar over her alleged cruelty and constant criticism. And they marvel at how slowly many Democrats are reacting to the political chaos in Virginia and conclude that none of the officials embroiled in controversy will actually resign.
Trump’s High Notes, Foreign Policy Fumbles, Herring Admits to Blackface
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Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are pleasantly surprised at President Trump’s State of the Union address, in which he extolled the greatness of America, condemned socialism and late term abortion and found several issues where bipartisan cooperation seems plausible. They also cringe at some other moments in the speech including Trump’s contentions that investigations of him will hurt the economy, that you can negotiate peace with the Taliban, and that another summit with Kim Jong-Un is a good idea. And their jaws hit the floor as Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admits to dressing up in blackface while in college, just days after calling on Gov. Ralph Northam to resign.
Cuomo Blames Trump for Lost Revenue, Dem Voters Sticking with Northam, Fairfax Accuser Hires Ford’s Lawyers
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America see a teachable moment as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blames President Trump and the GOP tax reform for many wealthy people leaving his state over high taxes, but the solution would seem to be pretty simple. They’re also surprised to see 50 percent of Democratic voters in Virginia approving of Ralph Northam as governor – even after the yearbook controversy. And they react to the accuser of Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax hiring Christine Blasey Ford’s legal team.
World Rejects Maduro’s Madness, Virginia’s Northam Nightmare, Superbowl Ads Flop
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America welcome news that military and police are starting to defy President Maduro and that more influential nations are recognizing Juan Guiado as the interim president. They also wade through Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s shifting explanations for the racist photo in in his medical school yearbook and Northam defying both parties by refusing to resign. And they give thumbs down to most of the Superbowl ads for being too serious and too obvious in their efforts to be woke, saving their biggest eye roll for the Washington Post.
Strong January Jobs Report, Kaine’s Lame Abortion Response, Booker 2020
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Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are thrilled to see over 300,000 jobs created in January, easily surpassing expectations. They also smack Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine for the wimpiest possible opposition to the controversial abortion bill in Virginia and break down the logical problem in Kaine’s official position that he’s personally opposed to abortion but would never impose that view on others. And they dissect the launch of New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker’s 2020 presidential campaign – with Jim offering an extensive review of Booker’s time as mayor of Newark.
Dems Exposed on Abortion, Left Savages Schultz, Banish the Billionaires
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Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America are glad America is seeing just how radical Democrats are getting on abortion, with Virginia’s governor even appearing to endorse infanticide. They’re also happy to see one Democrat in the Virginia legislature change her mind on an abortion bill after the intense public opposition. They also shake their heads as Democrats and their friends in the media launch a relentless mission to destroy former Starbucks Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz for considering an independent presidential run. And they react to a Huffington Post column arguing that billionaires are bad for America so we shouldn’t have any.
Inside the Koch Confab, We’re Not Getting A Wall, Covering Up Kamala’s Cronyism
Jim Geraghty of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America review Jim’s trip to the Koch Seminar Network and how the billionaire brothers that Democrats and the media like to describe as evil are pouring money into charities so struggling Americans don’t have to depend solely on the government. They also sigh as reports make clear that Senate Republicans have no intention of allowing another government shutdown, meaning they aren’t prepared to play hardball over border wall funding. And they take aim at a Washington Post opinion column arguing that it’s somehow sexist to question whether Kamala Harris got help in launching her political career due to prominent appointments she received from a man she was having an affair with at the time.
Schultz vs. Warren, Harris Goes Hard Left, California’s Pronoun Politics
Listen to “Schultz vs. Warren, Harris Goes Hard Left, California’s Pronoun Politics” on Spreaker.
Alexandra DeSanctis of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America enjoy watching Howard Schultz and Elizabeth Warren trade insults over Warren’s proposed wealth tax and shudder to think that Schultz might be the most sensible liberal considering a 2020 presidential run. They also slam Kamala Harris for suggesting that lawmakers who don’t support gun control don’t care about the victims of mass shootings and contending that if Republicans saw photos of murdered children that they would vote differently. And they laugh and cringe as the chairwoman of a California State Senate committee bans the use of gendered pronouns in committee – and then proceeds to violate her own rule over and over again.
The Left’s Venti-Sized Freakout, Mayor Pete’s Prospects, Hillary 2020?
Listen to “The Left’s Venti-Sized Freakout, Mayor Pete’s Prospects, Hillary 2020?” on Spreaker.
Alexandra DeSanctis of National Review and Greg Corombos of Radio America enjoy watching liberals freak out over the possibility of an independent presidential bid by former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who is much more closely aligned with Democrats than Republicans. A Notre Dame graduate, Alexandra also shares her insights into the presidential campaign of South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and why his message could resonate with Midwest voters. And they roll their eyes as CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny says the Mueller indictments have Hillary Clinton once again thinking about running in 2020.