Listen to “All-American Chips, Youngkin Reconsiders 2024, Fetterman’s Dubious Recovery” on Spreaker.
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by GregC
Listen to “All-American Chips, Youngkin Reconsiders 2024, Fetterman’s Dubious Recovery” on Spreaker.
by GregC
Listen to “Manchin Caves, Biden’s Insane Prisoner Swap, Devaluing Marriage” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they serve up three very bitter martinis. First, it’s a double shot of bad as Sen. Joe Manchin abandons his inflation concerns to push corporate tax increases and hundreds of billions in climate change programs – and it’s all going to happen because the GOP got outsmarted by Senate Dems. They also fume as the Biden administration offers to free one of the world’s worst terrorists in exchange for two Americans held in Russia. And they lament a new Gallup poll showing that just 29 percent of Americans think couples with children should be married. And the numbers aren’t that much better among conservatives.
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