Join Jim and Greg as they discuss why it’s so critical for Republicans to win one – or preferably both – of the Georgia Senate races and Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy also distills it very well. They also recoil as Ticketmaster plans to force concertgoers to prove they’ve been vaccinated or tested negative just prior to the event. And they hammer New York Times columnist Tom Friedman for urging Democrats to move to Georgia in order to help the party win the Senate races there.
Two GOP Senate Wins, Baker Bashes Pollsters, Georgia Recount
Listen to “Two GOP Senate Wins, Baker Bashes Pollsters, Georgia Recount” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they welcome victories for Republican candidates in the North Carolina and Alaska Senate races. They also applaud former Secretary of State Jim Baker for blasting pollsters for consistently being wrong and almost always in the same partisan direction. And they welcome a hand recount and audit of the presidential race in Georgia.
Manchin & the Filibuster, Libs & Their Lists, Dr. Emanuel & COVID
Listen to “Manchin & the Filibuster, Libs & Their Lists, Dr. Emanuel & COVID” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they welcome West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin saying he will not vote to end the filibuster in the U.S. Senate. They also unload on AOC, Jennifer Rubin, Evan McMullin, and other lefties who want to see anyone supporting President Trump’s legal challenges added to lists of people who should be shunned from government, academia, and polite society. And they shudder as the Obamacare architect who thinks people are no longer useful after age 75 is named to Joe Biden’s COVID task force.
Big Vaccine News, Cuomo Plays Politics, Schumer & Georgia
Listen to “Big Vaccine News, Cuomo Wants to Wait, Schumer & Georgia” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they cheer Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine that is reportedly more than 90 percent effective with no discernible side effects. They also hammer New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for whining about the vaccine being ready before Biden is president. And they react to out-of-touch liberal Chuck Schumer claiming that if Democrats win a Senate majority because of the races in Georgia, then they will change America and the world.
House Dem Infighting, ‘Put Up or Shut Up,’ Ridiculous Gore Revisionism
Listen to “House Dem Infighting, ‘Put Up or Shut Up,’ Ridiculous Gore Revisionism” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they enjoying watching House Democrats point fingers at each other for doing much worse than expected in Tuesday’s elections. Jim tells Republicans to stop airing their arguments about election crimes or irregularities on social media and cable news and bring evidence to court if there are reasons to investigate the vote counting. And they unload on self-important New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman for suggesting Al Gore “took a bullet for the country” by conceding to George W. Bush in 2000.
GOP’s Legislative Win, Sowing Distrust in the System, Ready for Georgia Runoffs?
Join Jim and Greg as they celebrate Republicans doing much better than expected at the state legislative level just in time for redistricting. They also discuss the ongoing controversies in multiple swing states and how the vote counting is creating a lot of mistrust in the integrity of the vote. And they look at the updated Georgia numbers, which suggest two U.S. Senate races are headed to runoffs and the results could well determine the majority.
Presidential Cliffhanger, GOP Bright Spots, Pollsters Blow It Again
Listen to “Presidential Cliffhanger, GOP Bright Spots, Pollsters Blow It Again” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as the navigate through the states that are still too close to call in the presidential race and the dueling Trump and Biden campaign pronouncements that they’ve already won. They also discuss Republicans beating expectations in House and Senate races and the decent chance the GOP has to keep a Senate majority. And they unload on the polling industry, which once again did not have a clue, with one notable exception.
Jim & Greg Predict, Trouble in Philly, New Jersey Waits to Count
Listen to “Jim & Greg Predict, Trouble in Philly, New Jersey Waits to Count” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they lay out their fearless – and conflicting – predictions for who will win the White House. They also explain who will win the tightest Senate races and which side will control the House. They shake their heads as reports of electioneering inside polling places and refusing GOP poll watchers pop up in Philadelphia. And they react to New Jersey announcing no in-person votes will be counted for at least a week.
Campaign Almost Over, Lefties Ready to Riot, The Karens Love Biden
Listen to “Campaign Almost Over, Lefties Ready to Riot, The Karens Love Biden” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they welcome the final day of the seemingly endless 2020 campaign. They also brace for mayhem in major American cities as business board up in anticipation of violence perpetrated by the likes of Shutdown DC and Black Lives Matter. And they have fun with the presidential vote broken down by voters’ first names.
Police Chief Schools Blitzer, Nightmare Biden Cabinet, Girl Scouts Bullied Over Barrett
Join Jim and Greg as they welcome CNN’s Wolf Blitzer getting a reality check on police work. They also shudder as the far left starts lining up for cabinet spots in a possible Biden administration. And as the Girl Scouts delete an innocuous tweet congratulating Amy Coney Barrett because of complaints from lefties, Jim implores Americans to stand up for themselves and tell the mob to go pound sand.