McCarthy Stands with Taiwan, Lemon’s Bad Behavior, RFK Jr. 2024
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Ricochet Editor-in-Chief Jon Gabriel is in for Jim. Join Jon and Greg as they cheer House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and a bipartisan congressional delegation for meeting with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in defiance of Chinese demands and touting the importance of a free Taiwan. They also react to new allegations that CNN’s Don Lemon harassed former co-anchor Kyra Phillips back in 2008, including ripping up her photos and papers when she got an assignment that he wanted and for texting threatening messages to her. Finally, they roll their eyes as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. throws his hat into the ring for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.
Winsome’s Winning Argument, China’s Balloon Gathered Intel, Asa Hutchinson 2024
Battle Over Billionaires, America’s Shrinking Navy, Biden’s Tall Tales
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Join Jim and Greg as they cheer former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz for pushing back against Sen. Bernie Sanders and other Democrats for trying to demonize him because he’s a billionaire. Schultz explains how the American dream allowed him to rise from humble beginnings to achieve great wealth – a story Sanders had no interest in hearing of course. They also shudder at multiple reports that the Biden administration’s Navy budget proposal doesn’t even keep up with inflation, we’re retiring vessels critical to deterring Chinese aggression, and within five years China’s navy will have 150 more ships than we do. Finally, they roll their eyes as President Biden acts like he’s an honorary member of another ethnicity – this time it’s the Greeks.
Biden’s Sinking Polls, Dems Defending TikTok, Sinema’s Curious Strategy
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Join Jim and Greg as they welcome a new Associated Press poll showing Americans can clearly see President Biden’s weak performance on the economy and his overall job performance. They also groan as the CEO of TikTok tries to dodge questions about whether the app is spying on users and TikTok’s connection to the Chinese Communist Party. Plus, they hammer the Democrats for glibly opposing the effort to crack down on TikTok after agreeing to ban it on government devices last year. Finally, they break down Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s strategy of cozying up to the right in advance of a likely 2024 re-election bid.
Dems Sour on Abrams, China & Marijuana, Dem Demeans School Parents
Listen to “Dems Sour on Abrams, China & Marijuana, Dem Demeans School Parents” on Spreaker.
Russia & China Grow Closer, Mexican President’s Accusations, Trump Legal Drama
Join Jim and Greg as they serve up three bad martinis. First, they wince as Chinese dictator Xi Xinping visits Moscow to strengthen ties with Vladimir Putin. They also react to Mexico’s socialist president rejecting any blame for the fentanyl epidemic in the U.S. Instead, he blames American parents for not hugging their children enough. Finally, they assess the legal drama swirling around former President Trump, the far left Manhattan district attorney who may be poised to indict Trump, and how legal experts throughout the political spectrum believe the forthcoming charges are very dubious.
Stronger Alliances, Moody’s Downgrades U.S. Banks, Trump’s Puzzling Attack
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Join Jim and Greg as they welcome stronger ties among the U.S., UK, and Australia, as the U.S. promises to deliver nuclear-powered submarines to the Aussies made with Rolls Royce engines from Great Britain. How much of a check might it be on Chinese ambitions in the region. They also recoil as Moody’s downgrades confidence in our banking system from “stable” to “negative” while the Democrats try to blame the SVB collapse on GOP policies with a very weak argument. Finally, they shake their heads as President Trump asserts that Florida was already great before Gov. Ron DeSantis took office. But it’s his praise of Republican-turned-Democrat Charlie Crist that is raising the most eyebrows. We’ll examine the progress made by multiple Republican governors there and why DeSantis deserves plenty of credit for his time in office.
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The SVB Collapse, Guess Who’s Gonna Pay for It, China’s Middle East Meddling
Join Jim and Greg as they break down the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, and how the financial institution bankrolling many of the nation’s top venture capital-backed firms went into crisis. They also throw a flag on President Biden’s contention that U.S. taxpayers will not be on the hook for bailing out the bank’s depositors. Finally, they shudder at the news of China brokering a restoration of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Why is the restoring of relations a bad thing? In this case, there’s lots of reasons.
House Hearings Expose Infuriating Truths on COVID, Afghanistan
Listen to “House Hearings Expose Infuriating Truth on COVID, Afghanistan” on Spreaker.
You might need something stronger than a martini as Jim and Greg dig into three big stories today. First, they respond to the congressional testimony of former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield, who said our top officials knew from the start that COVID likely came from a lab leak and then knowingly pushed a false narrative that the virus naturally occurred. And the maddening truth doesn’t stop there. Then they tackle the gut-wrenching testimony of a U.S. Marine Corps sniper stationed at Abbey Gate on the day of the terrorist attack during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews says he and others had the bomber spotted and were ready to take him out but they never had permission to fire. And his frustration grew even more when no one in our government wanted to hear his story. Finally, Jim dissects California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s condemnation of Walgreen’s for refusing to sell abortion-inducing drugs in states where the retailer might get sued. Jim explains how Newsom frequently ignores the most basic responsibilities of governing and how he tries to distract his constituents from his terrible record.