More Classified Doc Drama, NIH Dereliction Exposed, GOP Field Growing
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Justice Poised to Run, California Wastes Massive Rain, Dems’ Suddenly Love Georgia
Bash Grills Booted Dems, Left’s Disinformation Con Job, Trump’s Shutdown Whiff
Jim and Greg give credit to CNN’s Dana Bash for asking tough questions of the three House Democrats House Speaker Kevin McCarthy wants booted from their sensitive committees – and their answers were rather unconvincing. They also react to the latest “Twitter Files,” exposing the powerful left-wing group Hamilton 68, which declared many Twitter accounts to be Russian bots or peddling Russian disinformation, when the vast majority were real people who just disagreed with the left’s narrative on various issues. Finally, they react to President Trump’s bizarre accusation that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis locked down his state far too long during the COVID pandemic, when the evidence is strongly to the contrary, and discuss why Trump is pursuing this line of attack.
DeSantis Right on Crime, Western Water Woes, Flunking Constitution 101
Listen to “DeSantis Right on Crime, Western Water Woes, Flunking Constitution 101” on Spreaker.
Iowa Chooses School Choice, Adams’ Border Complaints, Schiff’s Senate Run
Listen to “Iowa Chooses School Choice, Adams’ Border Complaints, Schiff’s Senate Run” on Spreaker.
Join Jim and Greg as they cheer Iowa becoming the latest state to pass sweeping school choice legislation which gives parents more options on where and how to educate their kids and creates more competition for our schools. They also groan as New York City Mayor Eric Adams complains about the burden placed on his city to deal with the flood of people who entered the nation illegally. The buses from red state governors are a drop in the bucket compared to the numbers of migrants being shuttled all over the nation by the federal government. They also react to Rep. Adam Schiff’s TikTok video complaining about his ouster from the House Intelligence Committee, which he immediately turned into a fundraising pitch just in time for his new campaign for the U.S. Senate. And Jim reacts to the speculation that Aaron Rodgers could be headed to the New York Jets.
McCarthy Rejects Schiff & Swalwell, Santos Plays Victim, Pence’s Classified Papers
Afghanistan Accountability, U.S. Arsenal Vanishing, Lightfoot’s Crime ‘Solution’
Join Jim and Greg as they welcome House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul’s vow to get answers on the Biden administration’s debacle in Afghanistan. McCaul says the administration has been stonewalling on providing documents on how U.S. intelligence was so wrong on the advance of the Taliban, the deadly attack on U.S. service members outside the Kabul airport, and much more. They also shudder as a new report shows the U.S. is dangerously deficient in producing new weapons to replace the many munitions we’re sending over to Ukraine. In other words, if the U.S. got involved in sustained military action, we could run out of key weapons in less than a week. Finally, they shake their heads as Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s solution to the wave of street vendor robberies is to tell them not to conduct business in cash.
Dems Target Sinema, Klain Leaving White House, Tank Fight
Listen to “Dems Target Sinema, Klain Leaving White House, Tank Fight” on Spreaker.
SCOTUS Fails to Find Leaker, Debt Ceiling Drama, Biden’s Absent Advisers
Listen to “SCOTUS Fails to Find Leaker, Debt Ceiling Drama, Biden’s AWOL Advisers” on Spreaker.